Babygate needed

Laura Hunter
by Laura Hunter
I have a large opening 57inches where I need a baby gate without spending a fortune. Most gates that big cost alot or are very ugly. Thought auggeations for a diy gate.

  9 answers
  • Sharon Sharon on Nov 02, 2017

    Hunt one down at thrift stores.

  • Amanda Amanda on Nov 02, 2017

    Hi Laura. You could make a gate with wooden spindles. I would cut 2 pieces from 5x5's for the top and bottom. Then drill your holes for the spindles. You may need to come up with something cleaver so you can attached and deattach from the wall so the baby does't knock it over.

  • Heather McKinney Heather McKinney on Nov 02, 2017

    How about a shortened version of barn doors?

  • Mitch Hutchens Mitch Hutchens on Nov 02, 2017

    Laura I have made a few gates in my day! I have raised 11 kids not to mention grandkids and pets! A person with basic woodworking skills and a miter saw should be able to make a custom gate without spending a small fortune. Wood ( if that is what you decide to use ) isn't cheap but if you are able and or capable of doing some sanding and painting you can save yourself some $$$ since this is the most time consuming part of the whole project! I would think that being ready with a few decent pictures and a few accurate measurements you could have this built in a hour or less and $100.00 or less. On the other hand if you go to someplace like Home Depot or Lowes and are lucky enough to get a knowledgeable and helpful sales associate he (or she!) can help you spend whatever you want and end up with a beautiful and functional gate that should last a lifetime assuming you aren't trying to keep a herd of rhinoceros penned up! Good luck! You can do it!

  • Brenda Gail Miller Brenda Gail Miller on Nov 02, 2017

    Look online for pet gates. Sometimes they are bigger or make one from lightweight wood to fit.

  • Cindy Hagemann Cindy Hagemann on Nov 02, 2017

    Here's a gate for our dogs that we built for about $20. We have a wide opening, so built it so that only a small section actually opens.

    comment photo
  • Pat Pat on Nov 02, 2017

    How about the sides of an old baby crib? You can probably find them cheap and they can be painted. Should be long enough.