Looking for a gift idea

by Jud30199177
Does anyone have a recipe for moisture cream?

  10 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Nov 03, 2017


  • GrandmasHouseDIY GrandmasHouseDIY on Nov 03, 2017

    I make a body butter that is just awesome. The recipe is so simple too, just put around a cup of coconut oil in your blender, turn it on and then slowly drizzle in castor oil until you have a lovely fluffy cream then you can add whatever type of essential oils you would like it to smell like - I use lavender!


  • Wendy Cochrane Wendy Cochrane on Nov 04, 2017

    check out "One Good Thing" blog by Jillee

  • Julia Mason Julia Mason on Nov 04, 2017

    Spoonful of olive oil,sunflower oil,coconut oil and cocoa butter. Melt all together and chill till you can make a depression by touching the top of th oils . Then beat with a mixer until fluffy .to make it fell northeast put on spoonful of cornstarch when melting oils together,just stir it in.You will need a container to put the cream in so use a glass canning jar.

  • RoseMarie Stadden Ramos RoseMarie Stadden Ramos on Nov 04, 2017

    I keep a small jar of organic (odorless food grade) coconut oil that I apply topically after my bath. My massage therapist advised me that it’s the only oil she uses that absorbs well and doesn’t stain the sheets. People are always complimenting me on my skin and that I look 20 years younger than my actual age.

  • Crafter Crafter on Nov 05, 2017

    As with RoseMarie, all I use is Coconut Oil, and I have used only that probably for the last 10 years or so. I use it anywhere on my body, face, hands, elbows, knees, feet, anywhere there is dry skin. It will be a tiny bit greasy/oily for just a minute until it absorbs, then it's all good! My dogs love it, too, I give them some on a spoon and they think it is the best treat ever! Very good for them and their coats. Good to put on the pads of their feet, especially in the winter time. Also good if their noses get dry and cracked, just put it on, sure heals quickly! My choice is Spectrum Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Unrefined, Medium Heat. I get it at Walmart. Try it, bet you'll love it, too! :) Google for other uses, there are many!

  • Dal29351166 Dal29351166 on Nov 05, 2017

    all I ever use is extra virgin coconut oil. It works wonders for the face and skin. I do not need a lot. a small amount goes a long way. Its also the best sunscreen. If you always use it you will not burn. I purchase mine from my local grocery store when I buy my groceries. It can also be used for cooking.. Check on line for all the uses. There are many uses for coconut oil that are very beneficial. also works great on ecezema.

  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Aug 03, 2021

    I use avocado oil