Building a greenhouse. What is best kind of heat to use?

Brenda St John
by Brenda St John
My husband passed in June 2017 before we finished the inside of our retirement home we had started building together and he had started a greenhouse for me also. There is a 8'x12'concrete pad and 6 --4x4 posts set. They are starting to twist. We were planning on using clear and smoked fiberglass with wood section around the bottom of the greenhouse. I don't know how to get started and what would be the best way to build it and the best and cheapest heat to use in it. Thanks. Brenda
  9 answers
  • Linda Hunt Linda Hunt on Jan 06, 2018

    In order to save the four by fours you will need to "frame" them as soon as you can because once they twist too much you cannot save them. We do not know what area you live in so we cannot help much without that knowledge. On a personal note I hope that the days are less grief filled and are now being filled once again with the happy memories you created together. Grief never leaves fully, but the memories are always there too.

    • Brenda St John Brenda St John on Jan 06, 2018

      Thank you so much! I live in Southeast Missouri. Very humid in summer but right now down to single digit temperature.

  • Peter Peter on Jan 06, 2018

    Linda's right! Frame It! As for cheapest heat.. The Sun.. it's a greenhouse, and that's one of their purposes. Visit a nearby garden center with greenhouse and talk to them... even in winter, the sun can be problematic!

    Alternate: electric mats on the floor.. you need only heat to 40degrees to maintain dormant plants, higher to get them to germinate and thrive. That higher temp depends on the plant. A greenhouse in winter can be quite uncomfortable to you, and still quite productive to plants.

    I, too, offer my condolences, and empathize with a 'shared project' turned to overwhelming task. Draw on the sweet memories, you'll love the resulting project more!

  • Shirley Hearn Shirley Hearn on Jan 06, 2018

    I am so sorry for your loss. I have been there and know what you must be going through. I live in NW Florida and a few years ago my husband and I built my greenhouse. We didn't have a concrete base but instead used pavers so that water could drain. During the planning we knew what we needed a door and windows for ventilation. Attached is a photo during construction that shows door and window placement. I absolutely love my greenhouse.

    comment photo
  • Shirley Hearn Shirley Hearn on Jan 06, 2018

    To answer your heating question my husband was an electrician and he installed 2 baseboard electric heaters that are controlled by a thermostat to come on when the temps drop below 35 degrees. Yes it does get cold in this part of Florida and has been colder than normal the past few days.

  • Linda Hunt Linda Hunt on Jan 06, 2018

    I suspect that you will get a way with a wall mounted heater unit that will emit enough for the chickens. It should only be a very low power heater as they do better when it is very cool. As long as their bedding is deep they do very well in cold. Having windows that open to cross winds is very important for the chickens too or they get too damn and die from heat exhaustion!! If I maybe of help please ask. The Art of Doing Nothing is right up your alley too when it comes to to the Woman of all Advice to do With Chickens, bwahahahahh

    • See 1 previous
    • Linda Hunt Linda Hunt on Jan 07, 2018

      Dear Brenda St. John, I do not have any clue what I am doing wrong lately but this is the third time. I do apologize and the lady with the chickens is going to think I am bonkers, bwahahaha. So sorry. I had something go a bit off kilter in my brain a while ago and it effects me in odd ways!!! Most of them are amusing though as long as everyone keeps an ability to laugh with me as I frequently have to. Cheers and good luck.

  • Pat Ruge Pat Ruge on Jan 09, 2018

    First let me offer you my condolences. Nearly five years ago, I too lost my husband and I discovered the busier I am, the happier I get. Hometalk helps keep me grounded.

    Now to the business at hand. Your greenhouse is meant to store and retain heat in order to promote the growth and development of your plants. It is away from the house and therefore away from electricity and/or gas. I expect, once completed and even in the coldest of your weather you will be spending little time there. So I am going to direct you to a heat source that should take care of you during those brief visits. I can tell you from my experience, it is effective, inexpensive to build and it coincides with the "greenhouse" concept. This comes from our very own Hometalker, Amanda C. Check it out, I'm sure you can have it completed b4 the greenhouse and see for yourself just how effective it is.

  • Mma24601588 Mma24601588 on Jan 14, 2018

    A wall of black plastic barrels or garbage cans on the lower part of sunny window. Fill with water. Sun warms the water and the radiating heat will warm enough for plants

  • Bill Lynch Bill Lynch on Jun 29, 2022

    For heat, the 1st thing you need to do is a greenhouse heater size calculation. Then you can choose from the greenhouse heaters at ACF Greenhouses or search for more options online.

  • Beni Beni on Feb 09, 2023

    I decided to go green a few years ago, and gas, electric, and passive solar heat are the three most frequent ways to heat a greenhouse. The least costly method is to heat a greenhouse using gas. The cost of heating a greenhouse with gas is the significant advantage of gas heating and why people choose it over other solutions. This type of heating is more beneficial and enviroment friendly, so it’s a safe choice to take into consideration.