Asked on Apr 30, 2017

How do I build a tall heavy duty plant stand?

by Sage1956
I have 2 majesty palm plants. Right now I've got them on 2 plant stands that have to lean against the wall for support. I'd like to build two plant stands that are tall & can hold them. I've tried looking for videos but no luck. Can you help me?
Not mine but they look just like this
  16 answers
  • I would just buy some ready made at any home improvement store. Unless you have a pile of wood, by the time you purchase all the things needed, you will have spent far more money. I would find premade ones, but plain, so you can add your personal touches.

  • Dana Dana on May 01, 2017

    I personally think they would be to heavy for anything manufacture. So here are some ideas..

    tree stump, stepping stones stacked up to the right height...round would be good.

    An old wood chair cut the back off, bar stool, old child's wagon, what ever your decor, you could do just about anything, just keep in mind them trees are heavy.

    Good luck and hope this helps you.

    Post pictures of what ever you decide.

  • Caseyem11 Caseyem11 on May 01, 2017

    I would build square boxes on casters. If these are going to be outside I would use cedars, teak or a resin product.

    • See 1 previous
    • Caseyem11 Caseyem11 on May 01, 2017

      In that case, use less expensive lumber and paint it to suit your color scheme. The bottom should be 1/2 to 3/4 in plywood to take the weight off the plant.

  • Sage1956 Sage1956 on May 01, 2017

    That's what I've been thinking too. Looking at garage & estate sales also. So far no luck there either.

  • Ella Frierson Bond Ella Frierson Bond on May 01, 2017

    I have 10 -12 potted palms. Some bigger than others. (all good size), I would not put them on a stand. To me they don't look natural like that. Find a BIG pot for them

    • Jennifer Jennifer on May 01, 2017

      Agree totally. They would be too top heavy for a tall stand, I would go with bigger pots

  • Sage1956 Sage1956 on May 01, 2017

    Unfortunately all windows have vents below them. I get concerned if the plants get too much heat or A/C, that's why I have them on stands. I can't put them outside because I live in the midwest & the winters would kill them.

    • See 1 previous
    • Sage1956 Sage1956 on May 01, 2017

      Thanks for the idea but these plants are heavy so hanging from the ceiling wouldn't work.

  • Karen Jurasinski Karen Jurasinski on May 01, 2017

    What about stacking cinderblocks and then either paint them, cover them in fabric or make a wooden square to fit over them. They will hold the weight of the plants.

    • Sage1956 Sage1956 on May 01, 2017

      I don't know if my floor would hold the cinder blocks & plants. Good idea tho.

  • Angie Crabtree Angie Crabtree on May 01, 2017

    there are plant stands that are 6 to 10 inches off the floor that have wheels. I had one for my 5 ft .hibiscus tree. Purchased at a garden center

    • Sage1956 Sage1956 on May 02, 2017

      Those just might work. I'll check out my local garden centers. Thanks for the idea.

  • A A on May 03, 2017

    Trash cans are less expensive than large planters and you can use bamboo fencing (also cheaper) to surround them or build a surround out of the material of your choosing. You can get pretty cheap 30+ gallon trash cans at Walmart. I use trash cans a lot for larger plants and build a wooden base with casters. I usually have scrap wood (pressure treated) on hand so it's not an great expense.

    Also, the best price on heavy duty casters can be found at Harbor Freight when they have coupons on the hardwood dolly. I don't use the wood from the dolly because it's not pressure treated and it's partially covered by a cheap carpeting material that's a pain to remove; wait for a coupon, they'll be $7.99 each. They have a larger dolly, but the casters are exactly the same.

    Here's a link to the dolly and I've attached a pic:

    comment photo
  • Bob Onitt Bob Onitt on May 03, 2017

    wine barrels mounted on skate boards

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Nov 11, 2022

    Buy rhem ready made - they come in wood, Metal and Plastic at Garden Centre. If you decide to make them. Draw a design. Calculate the size of timber required. Fit together onto frame. Line and there you have it. Don't forget drainage!

  • Mogie Mogie on Nov 11, 2022

    Make or buy a plate made of wood that attaches to the bottom of the mop bucket. Don't drill or nail use glue to keep thing water tight.

  • Annie Annie on Sep 22, 2023

    This might be able to help:

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Sep 22, 2023

    You can buy Tall Old Plant stands that would do the trick from places like eBay etc.

  • Janice Janice on Sep 22, 2023

    My first thought is to look for heavy-duty trash or storage containers with a broad base that is deep enough for the plant soil so you have a good balance of depth and width to keep the plants healthy. Some bins can be quite attractive and they could be painted to go along with your decor. Some of the textured paint available now could make the planters look like stone without the weight. Also, you might invest in a base with rollers so you can easily move the plants around the room.

  • Mogie Mogie on Sep 25, 2023

    You want the cheap fix? Use a large diameter tree stump. You can get nearly any size you want and can level it for your area with a chainsaw.