How to clean the dishwasher

my dishwasher is only 2 yrs old. The dishes seem clean, but the walls and floor and ceiling of the dishwaer (inside - I don't know what they are called) seems dirty, dingy, etc.

  8 answers
  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Feb 08, 2018

    Do you have hard water?

    A product made for dishwashers called affresh can help with odor and mineral deposits.

    “Designed to penetrate, dissolve & remove odor causing residue. Power away lime and mineral build-up that can occur inside your dishwasher. Cleans dishwashers better than bleach.”

    Check out product description product reviews some Q&A here To see if it will met your need. It can be found at some grocery stores -hardware stores and of course online

  • DebWor DebWor on Feb 08, 2018

    They sell a product called Plink at Bed Bath and Beyond for $3.99

    Clean washing machines and dishwasher. You could also throw cream of tarter in it. I've never tried this but am told it works.

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Feb 08, 2018

  • Janet Fletcher Janet Fletcher on Feb 08, 2018

    You can also buy a product named Limey Shine. It is great for hard water. Or occasionally I place a cop of white vinegar upright in my dishwasher and run it through a cycle. That will also clean it very well and is also a very cheap and eco friendly solution.

  • Rhonda S Rhonda S on Feb 08, 2018

    We have serious lime build-up (calcium salts from the water) here. Vinegar takes it off. sometimes it needs a bit of scrubbing, but often using a spray bottle to soak a paper towel and then leaving the paper towel in place an hour or so will loosen most lime. I run a "wash cycle" with vinegar in a cup in the top rack periodically to get it from getting too bad between cleanings. To clean mine, you have to take out the bottom rack to get at the filter basket. Lift of the washer arm and lift out the basket. Give it a good scrub before reassembling the whole works.

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  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Feb 08, 2018

    Once a month I wipe mine down with vinegar. Then I place small bowls of vinegar in the racks and run it on its longest, hottest cycle. I use vinegar in the rinse agent compartment when washing dishes. Make sure to air the dishwasher out with each use. Don't leave dirty dishes in for more than a day. Since I've been doing these things, I don't get the dark residue. I have very hard water.

  • Barbara Baldwin Barbara Baldwin on Feb 08, 2018

    Pour tang powder in the soap spot and turn the machine on. It's citric acid that makes the thing shine w/o scrubbing it..

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Feb 08, 2018

    any citrus product can be used not just tang