Best way to clear slow bathroom sink drains?

Michael Esh
by Michael Esh

My bathroom sinks drain slowly due to a build up black waxy/sticky material that collects in the drains. Is there a safe, easy way to clean unclog a bathroom sink without taking it apart?

  10 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Feb 16, 2018

  • Gina Gina on Feb 16, 2018

    My first thought would be to figure out what the black sticky buildup is. I have always cleaned my drains by pouring baking soda (I use 1/4c per drain) in the drain, followed by white vinegar. I usually let it set for about 20-30 minutes then run hot water down the drain. If you have quite a buildup it make take several rounds to get it all to break down and flow out. Hope this helps. Good luck!

  • You can buy a long plastic drain cleaner for about $1.

  • Kelly Denoyer Russell Kelly Denoyer Russell on Feb 16, 2018 I have one of these and you can buy them at any home goods store. Cheap and they work great.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Feb 17, 2018

    Get the plastic drain cleaner with barbs on it, it will remove any hair that is in the drain. Frequently the gunk collects on the hair and builds up. Once you get any hair you have in the drains, Gina's suggestion is the way to go to clean up the greasy gunk caused by soaps, shaving cream, etc. going down the drain. If you have double sinks, do both at the same time. After letting the baking soda and vinegar work, I follow it with about a gallon of boiling water between the two sinks to rinse the drains down well This should get them draining again. The black color could be mildew or something and the vinegar will take care of any bacteria and mold or mildew spores that are present. I hope this works for you, if need be repeat it. If you do this to your sinks on a regular basis the hair and gunk won't cause draining problems. This works in every sink or shower, bathtub, or drain in your house, but the hair remover isn't necessary in all.

  • Jack of all Jack of all on Feb 17, 2018

    Disconnect trap and clean out , this must be a build up of everything

  • Andrea Root Andrea Root on Feb 17, 2018

    Pour 1/4 C. of Dawn liquid soap down drain and wait about 1/2 hour then followed by boiling water. It has always worked for me.

  • Cwh6899259 Cwh6899259 on Feb 20, 2018

    First pull any hair etc. out of the top of the drain.

    Look under sink. You will find a U shaped pipe that is held by 2 rings (one at either end of U). Place pail under the U piece. Unscrew the rings. Pull down U piece. Now clean out the U any way you see fit. Place U piece back on pipes and tighten rings.

  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Sep 03, 2024

    Here is a post that might help, scroll down to the part about sinks -

  • Deb K Deb K on Sep 08, 2024

    Hi Michael, this should help you. Boil a kettle of water, pour the boiling water down the drain. Follow that with adding 1 full cup of baking soda, follow that with pouring in 2 cups of vinegar. Leave this to sit for 1 hour before using this sink. You may also want to remove and clean the P trap as well.