Would love to make this, but how?

by Stelmour450
  11 answers
  • Dfm Dfm on Feb 16, 2018

    Okay...from what I can tell the valance is covering a third of the window and is hanging on a curtian rod. You will need a few things...fabric of course...enough to cover the window area AND make the pocket for the rod And Hems, Iron. Then a accent fabric for the bottom of the valance. It might be done with a bias tape, or cut from fabric. Sewing machine.

    wash dry and then iron the fabric. Some fabrics will shrink a bit in the dryer. You will need to make a holder for the rod. If your rod is 1 inch wide make the pocket for it 1.25 inches For ease of threading on the rod.

    the scallop on the bottom looks like it could be bias tape. Try that first. The bias has a lot of wiggle room pin it in place and stitch carefully. You want your top thread to match the color of The bias tape. It should already have the sides turned under. You can use a heat fusing tape to hold it place, then sew it on.

    This asumes you know how to sew...the cheat would be to purchase curtians and add the trim to the bottom using a heat fusing tape. The tape eventually disintegrates. And you don’t put any thing made with it in a dryer.

  • Emily Emily on Feb 16, 2018

    I don't think this is a job for an amateur sewer. If you were a skilled sewer you would not be asking how to do this. First the valance is hung from a board that extends maybe 3 or 4 inches, so the curtain would also have sides. Then the bottom of the curtains has a long, shallow scallop, The fabric must also be cut in this shape and the fabric for the edging must be cut on the bias so it can follow the shape of the fabric. (the edging seems too wide for any bias tape I have seen) To start with measure your window and include the depth of the board you would have to use to achieve this same look. Say your window is forty inches wide and you make a board 4 inches deep. You need the curtain to be 48 inches wide. Then you have to divide those 48 inches into 4 (for the "peaks" or points of the scallops, Then decide how shallow or deep you need the scallops to be. although of course the thread should match the fabric (in the pic above that would be gold) it does not show as the bias fabric/tape is sewn on the curves. You are sewing the tape/fabric upside down onto the face of the fabric then turning it, pressing it in half and then folding it over the curves and sewing on top of the other side of the tape/fabric, thus enclosing the end of the fabric. This is a job for a skilled sewer. You would want to preshrink your fabric though. Although a curtain like this would be more likely to be dry cleaned.

  • Zita Braun Zita Braun on Feb 16, 2018

    You will need about a half yard of fabric and I am guessing a yard and a half of trim and a board about one and a half inches by whatever the width of the window is then go for it. Sew it. I made one similar about ten years ago for my bedroom window. Oh yes, you will need brackets to hold up the board and then staple on the valance.

  • LG LG on Feb 17, 2018

    Go to rowleyco.com. Click on education (bottom left hand corner of your screen) for a world of educational instructions on "how-to's". They are a custom workroom supplier and a leader in the industry.

  • Sue Sue on Feb 17, 2018

    I used sheets of styrofoam to make the box then hot glued the material on. i used brackets to hang it and even put a top piece of foam on so i could put nicknacks and things on top.

    • See 1 previous
    • Kandie Kandie on Feb 19, 2018

      I was just about to write that, I saw where you could do just what you said!

      I just can’t remember where I saw it.

      But it turns out really nice and pretty afterwards, without all of the sewing pains.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Feb 19, 2018

    The keys to having this valance look like it is attached to a cornice board are:

    - Use a heavy weight quality brand metal 3inch + wide rod-pocket rod. The wider the rod, the more support it will give to the fabric hanging from it. Get one with sides that are adjustable. That way you can set the width of the rod the number of inches away that you want your valance to project out away from the window.

    - Use good quality heavy upholstery-weight fabric. Cheap thin fabric will not have enough structure to hang straight down and keep its shape.

    -Use a level to hang your rod, and proper sturdy hardware to mount it.

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  • C C on Feb 19, 2018

    I am doing a similar treatment but making cornice boards out of foam core you buy at the dollar store: https://southernhospitalityblog.com/a-diy-cornice/

    I am doing a double layer so the 1 1/2" trim edge is underneath the full cornice board. To achieve this, I am using two different length cornice boards. One on top of the other and glued together after I have covered them with fabric using straight pins & duct tape. I install right angle brackets:https://www.homedepot.com/s/metal%2520right%2520angle?NCNI-5 Attach them to your wall above your window, pace your cornice board on them and use a round headed pin to go thru the cornice and thru one of the holes in the right angle to hold them in place. Easy, cheap and little talent in making.

  • John Everett John Everett on Feb 19, 2018

    To make the valance , you can use 1/4" plywood. Draw the pattern that you want, then cut it out. Use spray adhesive to attach the fabric, then mount using "L" brackets.

  • Debbie Sommer Debbie Sommer on Feb 21, 2018

    You need a base for the "box" There's wood and foam board. I'd use the form board. Cut it out. Cover it with the selected fabric and hang. If you study the pic for a bit, you'll see it's not difficult to achieve that look or similar. The box needs a top, front and sides and hanging brackets. A handyman can do it if it's too taxing for you. Cut the fabric to fit the box and apply with glue or staples. If you use staples you may be able to remove them from the fabric and wash it when required. Good luck.

  • Barb Barb on Feb 21, 2018

    There’s a lady on eBay that sells them, bbqbarbie is her user name. She very professional and her work is amazinG, check it out.