How can I paint a ceramic floor?

  1 answer
  • Shoshana Shoshana on Feb 18, 2018

    Ceramic is not porous and to paint it right so that it lasts for a long time you need to use a paint that has epoxy in it or primer/paint that are specially formulated for tile. When working with these paints – you must make sure to get adequate ventilation in the room and wear a mask as the chemicals have a very strong smell. You need to sand the surface with 120 – 150 grit sandpaper. Clean with water, let dry. Sand again. Clean. Taking the time to prep the surface is what will make the paint adhere for a long time without scratching off. Apply two coats of primer with a high density foam roller, then two light coats of paint. Allow paint to dry for several days or cure according to the manufacturer’s directions.