How high should I tile my bathroom wall?

by Chu3617725
im going to put tile on my bathroom wall. I’m not sure how high I should go. 36 inches?

  5 answers
  • Mezwestrope Mezwestrope on Feb 18, 2018

    If it is on the walls only, any height that looks good. Keep in mind the placement of switches, outlets and towel bars. If it is for a tub surround, it is preferable to go right to the ceiling and, If you are handy, you can tile the ceiling as well.

    • Chu3617725 Chu3617725 on Feb 18, 2018

      Thank you. I’m putting it on the floor also but the wall tile is 12 x 12 so I thought three rows of that and then my border

  • Gol29676705 Gol29676705 on Feb 19, 2018

    Mine goes to the ceiling in the tub and backsplash high around the rest of the room.. Looks great and extremely functional.

  • Tamela Bowie Interiors Tamela Bowie Interiors on Feb 19, 2018

    Hello Chudson210, my suggestion would be to install the tile on the wall outside of the shower area at least up to 36“ and then cap it off with a nice chair rail. I would not go any higher because then you will run the risk of having your residential bathroom space look more like a commercial bathroom space.

  • Shore grandmom Shore grandmom on Feb 19, 2018

    When I do a bathroom, I usually tile about a foot above the sink area so there is a backsplash. If your sink is the height of a kitchen counter, about 36", then I'd go up about four feet. In one bathroom, I had to go higher because of switches. Also, if you have a shower area, you'll need to go higher. In my shower areas, I never go all the way to the ceiling.

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  • Gol29676705 Gol29676705 on Feb 19, 2018

    48” high plus 2” trim