Please advise me on cleaning a white linoleum tile floor?

Kay  howshan
by Kay howshan
The tile has tiny bumps and is difficult to clean.

  6 answers
  • Kathy Kwilin Zink Kathy Kwilin Zink on Feb 20, 2018

    Magic eraser will really deep clean and make the white outstanding.

  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Feb 20, 2018

    Use a dish liquid and baking soda in your warm water. Keep rinsing your mop to make sure you are not moving the dirt around.

  • Sassy Sassy on Feb 20, 2018

    Try Scrubbing Bubbles.

  • Beth Beth on Feb 20, 2018

    I have my whole house tiled and use nothing but a microfiber mop and plain water. Works great. If you get something really sticky or greasy a little Dawn to clean the spot. My microfiber mop heads are green, got them at a home show (Star Fiber) very knubby, clean the grout great also. I will try to attach a photo. The mop head on the top is an older one. This works great on tile and linoleum. I had white linoleum before I installed the tile and the microfiber was the only thing I used. Quite obviously, I swear by these. Good Luck.

    comment photo
  • Beth Beth on Feb 21, 2018

    I did see that these are available on Amazon.

  • William William on Feb 21, 2018

    I have a patterned vinyl tile in my kitchen. Once a week I use a few squirts of Dawn dish liquid to one gallon of hot water. Once a month I use one cup of lemon scented ammonia to one gallon hot water to get the embedded dirt, grime, and old wax off. Then I use Mop and Glo to give it a nice shine.