Covering up a hook holding chandelier

by Laura
I had to hang my dining room chandelier with a hook because it had a long chain. I do not like the look of the hook in the ceiling. I want to put something decorative around the hook to disguise it. Any suggestions?
  11 answers
  • Wendy Wendy on Mar 16, 2018

    What about a cable cup?

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    • Laura Laura on Mar 16, 2018

      Thanks Wendy, I will see if that can work because it's not going around the round metal fixture that holds it into the ceiling. It's going around the chain with the hook. But thank you for your suggestion. I appreciate you taking the time. I will try it out.

  • Clök Concept Clök Concept on Mar 16, 2018

    Did you only used a hook because the chain was too long, or also because it was off-center?

    If it is ok for you to have your pendant light just under the fixture, simply cut the chain at desired length and pull the electrical wire inside the fixture. Tou can then cut the wires and "replug".

    Good luck!

  • Laura Laura on Mar 16, 2018

    It was off center that is why I had to use the hook. Can I still try the cup idea even though it's off center with the hook?

    • See 1 previous
    • Laura Laura on Mar 16, 2018

      Thank you for your help.

  • Linda J. Caristo Linda J. Caristo on Mar 16, 2018

    After all is said and done...bite the bullet and have a electrician install the right box for you and hard wire the fixture where you want it. I would also put a ceiling medallion up first. It's worth it. L.Caristo

    • Laura Laura on Mar 16, 2018

      Thanks, but I like the look of the chain, so either way it would still be hanging by a hook.

  • Sven Sven on Mar 16, 2018

    A more decorative hook might be all you need. I have used them in a couple rooms and it just looks like part of the lighting.

  • 9530106 9530106 on Mar 16, 2018

    Google "decorative ceiling lamp or light hook". Your hook is a utilitarian one. Choose a decorative one and switch it out. There are many styles to choose from! Easy peasy! :)

  • Beth Beth on Mar 16, 2018

    You can make a cover for the chain and then no one will notice the hook! You will need fabric, a glue gun, a ladder, a few clothes pins, and an extension cord.

    Find fabric that coordinates with your room. You need a strip about 6"w and 2 - 2 1/2 times as long as the chain. Iron it and fold the long sides over 1/2" on each side toward the wrong side. Now get your glue gun out and get a really long extension cord for it!

    Get next to the light fixture on a ladder with the fabric, clothes pins and the glue gun. Starting in the center, wrap the fabric around the chain and pin it to the hook. Using the hot glue gun, glue it shut around the chain, moving down the chain. Do not glue it TO the chain. When you finish one side, move to the other side of the hook and do the same, scrunching as you go. It will look like a hair scrunchy. At the top where you pinned it, take it out now and fluff the scrunchy around hook, adjusting and gluing as needed.

    If you have any fly-away strings from the glue gun, hit them with the heat from a hair dryer and they will evaporate!

  • Linda J. Caristo Linda J. Caristo on Mar 16, 2018

    Actually it still has to have some of the chain attached when they install it correctly. You decide how long you want it. I think it's supposed to be 30" above your diningroom table. L.Caristo

  • Lisa0364 Lisa0364 on Mar 18, 2018

    I agree with Laura. Have the box moved. It will always look like the electric box is in the wrong spot, the way it is now. A persons eye is always drawn to things like that when seeing a room for the first time

  • MK McDonald MK McDonald on Mar 19, 2018

    I actually love the whimsy of the chain languishing across the ceiling like that. It would otherwise just ‘hang there’ like any other predictable pendant. Your light actually reminds me of those funky swag style pendants, where you had no choice but to use hooks as the chain was meant to drape. Don’t sweat it. Just get a cool hook that looks like it is originally part of the whole ensemble! Good luck!

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