Any ideas?

by Christina
Needing ideas to cover/design something for my kitchen eye sore??
  10 answers
  • Janice Janice on Mar 24, 2018

    Can you describe a little more? Not sure what it is, a window? Cabinet?

  • Christina Christina on Mar 24, 2018

    It’s a window that was covered during a siding remodel. No idea why the ppl before us just didn’t close it off properly.

  • Sto9987562 Sto9987562 on Mar 24, 2018

    if you want it to stay; are you able to open it? You could clean up the glass, and trim (scrape old paint etc) cover the siding that you see with something umm less building look, lol, and put photos or recipes on the back of you glad so you see it thru the window. Or you could add a light to the area between the glass and outside wall, then Home Depot carries window film with many options. It could look like a window to the world!

    other option, remove it and repair the wall.

    Gain valuable wall space! 😀

  • Janice Janice on Mar 24, 2018

    Stormy's idea about the window film available now is a great idea. There's quite a selection, so you could get a stained glass look, or a forest, etc. You might be able to find a poster of the outdoors and place it into that area so when you're looking at it, it looks as though you're seeing the outside area. Maybe measure and have mirrors cut to fit in the spaces.....or buy frosting spray to make it appear as a frosted window and that would cover up the plywood you see now.

  • Jean Jean on Mar 24, 2018

    I agree the window films are great looking. Of course still would need to clean and repaint window frame.

    Or remove window and repair wall and hang shelves

  • Deborah G Deborah G on Mar 24, 2018

    A shallow storage cabinet would be nice. Make a box to fit the inside of the window, using luan (sp?) board for the backing, and insert narrow slats for the shelving. Either rustic, farmhouse or something more elegant in the way of moulding can be cut to fit the outside edge of the window for framing. With the window pull removed, you should have easy access for your spices, for instance, or to display your favorite items.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Mar 24, 2018

    The easiest way to disguise this mess that does not involve any modifications or re-construction to the window or wall is to get a large canvas artwork and hang it in front. Check out thrift stores for inexpensive options. Even if the picture is not your first choice in styles, as you will then have the frame already, you can cover it with fabric or design of your choice.

  • Heather Maxwell Heather Maxwell on Mar 27, 2018

    Look up landscape window decals. I would cut one to fit and then put a pretty kitchen window curtain over top. The other option would be to build a shelf recessed into the wall.

    comment photo
  • Christina Christina on Mar 29, 2018

    Thanks Heather! That’s it!! I LOVE the shelf!