Top of oak cedar chest got wet & has lifted slightly in a few spots.

I plan to refinish it; stain the top and paint the rest. Is it a veneer top since it lifted a bit & split? Do I scrape it off?

  5 answers
  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Mar 27, 2018

    You could try gluing it down again with a carpenter wood glue. Put a weight on it so it stays down while drying. Degloss the top by lightly sanding or using a deglosser and then finish with whatever you plan on doing.

  • RWLM RWLM on Mar 27, 2018

    Thanks! I am submitting a picture to go with my question.

  • Charlotte Erickson Charlotte Erickson on Mar 27, 2018

    its a veneer. try gluing it with the weight before sanding or anything else.

    • RWLM RWLM on Mar 28, 2018

      I tried the glue & weights but it seems to make no difference; it's still slightly raised where the veneer is cracked. I don't want to strip it all off, so maybe I'll sand it and stain it, and see if it's very noticeable. Thanks for the reply!

  • Beth W Beth W on Mar 28, 2018

    You will need a syringe for the glue(check at pharmacy)-if you try lifting the edge of the unglued veneer you will likely split it to the point of not being able to repair without replacing the veneer. Squirt the glue carefully under the raised veneers. Press with your fingers to distribute the glue under the veneer. Wipe off any excess glue that oozes out the edges with a damp paper towel. Cover completely with a flat heavy object. A stack of books or a book and a stack of plates would also work. You want to maintain complete contact between your veneer and the wood surface underneath. Let dry completely.

    If this is not successful you will need to replace that section of veneer-google the process for exact direction