Asked on Apr 07, 2018


Jeanette S
by Jeanette S
It was an amazing day yesterday! We were able to get out and start some know...that kind that is fun...getting ready to plant!

I looked over and my one small dogwood was in bloom so I had to make a bouquet to take inside.

I guess the Iris will be next, followed by the Gardenia with the Day Lilies showing their beauty in the hot months of July and August!


Dogwood, azelea and one lone small stem of purple bells from Hub's mother's garden to us years and years ago!!!

  8 answers
  • Kathryn Schwenger Kathryn Schwenger on Apr 08, 2018

    our first iris bloomed this week- we now have about 12 in bloom with a lot more to come. Our azaleas are in full bloom. We are about 20 miles south of Atlanta and have our spring vegetables in the ground. I love your bouquet!

    comment photo
    • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Apr 09, 2018

      We are north of the Atlanta 285 Perimeter about 1 mile...I just looked out and it does not look like we even have any Iris buds yet!

      This is my second year to use "Florida Boys Caladium" and I am awaiting their arrival!

  • Ro Ro on Apr 08, 2018


    • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Apr 09, 2018

      Thanks. We are again chilly and wet here. We get a few chilly dry days and maybe 1 warm one...then back to that "I don't want to go out there" weather!

      But before we know it, we will be saying the same thing about not wanting to "get out there in that heat!" LOL

  • Margarite Margarite on Apr 08, 2018

    Beautiful flowers. Can you send some warmth to CT, winter doesn't want to leave.

    • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Apr 08, 2018

      Honey it is already 9:25 AM and only 39 degrees here in Atlanta! We got to almost freezing last night!

      I am preparing to be ready to plant when my Caladium arrive!!!

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Apr 08, 2018

    I wish we were that warm! Your lows are higher than the highs we have had lately. This time last year I had already amended and till my veggie garden and only had a few soil degrees to wait before planting. We are still blanketed in snow and expecting more this evening!

  • Margarite Margarite on Apr 08, 2018

    We are going to skip spring and go straight to summer.

  • Susan Bechamp Susan Bechamp on Apr 08, 2018

    We got dumped with 6 inches of snow on Wednesday, 2 more on Friday. Our high for the last few days hasn’t crept past freezing for more than an hour. Woke up to 18 degrees with a wind chill of 9. Ship some of that warmth up north Please! Anything north of the snow belt has been abandoned by Spring, again.

  • Love Dogwood! Wish they grew in So Cal, guess that is the trade off, sunny, warm (a bit too breezy today though), and first round of spring planting done and working on the rest now . . . Wishing all of you a speedy leap forward to true Spring weather! I feel so bad for all of you still in snow and cold weather. It's April! Time to thaw out! ⛆🌨🌞

  • Susan Susan on Apr 08, 2018

    Well, it's still COLD in SW Michigan! 13 degrees out when I got up to get ready for Church.