How to create garden

by Paula
  4 answers
  • Kashmere Jones Kashmere Jones on May 18, 2018

    wHere exactly are you planting? Back yard, front, planters?

  • Barb Adams Barb Adams on May 18, 2018

    Gardens require that you remove the weeds, loosen the soil, plant, fertilize and treat for pests. Testing the soil can help you choose the best soil amendments, if needed. Gardens can be grown in containers, raised beds, or a patch of lawn. Fence is often needed to protect the garden from animals like rabbits, moles, and even birds. Good Luck!

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 18, 2018

    what type pf garden?How much planting space is there?what is the location and lighting

  • Sidney Rippy McLaughlin Sidney Rippy McLaughlin on May 18, 2018

    If you mean a vegetable garden, the best way is to till as large a space as you can. Actually, given enough time, I’d recommend putting Round Up over the space and let it do its work first. You will always have weeds, but that’s part of it. After you till, you use a hoe and take to break up the soil further and even out the surface.

    After you have it all prepared, you’re ready for seeds or plants to go in.

    Flower gardens areas are often too too small to till. What I do is lay out the area I want turned up with a hose and use spray paint for grass marking to draw it on the ground. Then I use a spading fork to dig in and turn the dirt. This is a lot of hard work, but the tines of the fork dig in much easier than a shovel. You will need to hoe and rake this garden, too. Be sure to remove any existing vegetation. I suggest edging with whatever you like, and can afford. Pinterest has lots of ideas. Then comes the fun part.

    I don’t have great luck with flower seeds, so I buy plants. When choosing them, be sure to read the tags. As they grow, they will look different from the small thing in the pot. You want taller plants in back. I suggest making sure most of them are perennial so that you don’t have to completely start over every season. Also, add different textures some grass like, some leafy, etc. it’s best to plan it before going to the nursery. If you want seasonal color, save some areas on the edges for annuals.

    Don't go nuts at the nursery and buy more than you can plant in a couple of days.