Best paint for kitchen cabinets and need instructions on how to do it?

by Molly
  5 answers
  • Dfm Dfm on May 23, 2018

    Are the cabinets wood? Or metal?....for wood, there a kitchen paints, if they have been varnished, you will need to sand lightly so the next layer can grip. The next layer would be primer. If you are going to paint the cabinets a darker color...the primer Can be tinted to match The top coat of paint. Take the doors off the cabinets, take the hardware off as well. use low tack painter tape to label the doors, and in side of cabinet so the 2 get reunited.continue taking doors off and labeling. Lay the doors flat to paint,, let dry. When totally dry, flip them over paint the backs. Now, the fun part. Do you want to paint the interior of the cabinets? Or leave them? I used paint pads to do the interior of mine. Again, prime before painting. If you want to get them painted a bit quicker, you can rent a paint sprayer, I made the mistake of lending mine to my mom who gave it to a friend of hers.. I never got it back, ☹️ Oh well....if you want to brush the paint on and not leave brush marks, there is a product used for the paint sprayers that makes it easier to spray the paint. Just a bit mixed with the paint will take care of brush marks. To paint the cabinets for my first house, it took me 3 days. I left the inside alone, but put a shelf liner in place for all the shelves..

  • Ebbjdl Ebbjdl on May 23, 2018

    The best paint for the cabinets, is semi-gloss. Wash the cabinets with Murphys Oil Soap, rinse, and completely dry. Remove all hardware, and the doors. You need to paint the doors laying flat. Depending on the grooves in the cabinets, you can both hand paint or roll the color on. Clean the hardware with some degreaser, to get the film off them. Dry completely, and then spray paint. You can put all new hardware on, but, it gets pricey.

    • Molly Molly on May 23, 2018

      Thank you so much .. I know this will be a job and I’m not looking forward to it but has to be done .. maybe because I have 29 cabinets and drawers .. 😭

  • Ebbjdl Ebbjdl on May 23, 2018

    P.S. when you paint the doors flat, this eliminates peeling and streaking, put two Coates on, it will pay in the long run.

  • William William on May 23, 2018

    Make sure they are clean and dry. Remove the doors and hardware. Mark the doors and cabinets with tape where they go. Lightly sand the doors and cabinets to remove any gloss and roughen the surface for paint with 120- to 220-grit sandpaper. Use a tack cloth or damp rag to remove dust after sanding. Prime with a stain blocking primer like Zinsser 123, KILZ,or BIN and have it tinted to the color of the top coat. This will prevent dark or stained surfaces from showing through the top coat. Acrylic, or water-base, paints are low-fume and clean up easily with water. Alkyd, or oil-base, paints require good ventilation because the paint contains solvents that can irritate your lungs and make you feel sick. Alkyd options require mineral spirits for cleanup, but they provide a hard, durable paint finish. Whichever you use, buy the best-quality paint you can afford for a lasting kitchen cabinet finish. Seal with at least three coats with a water based polyurethane. Use a small foam roller and foam brush for a smooth finish.

  • Molly Molly on May 24, 2018

    would you use a semi gloss paint before the polyurethane goes on ? I’m painting my cabinets white ? Plus I have never used polyurethane, is that a long process to dry ? I’m trying to figure how long this process will take ? I have 20 or so cabinets and drawers .. also one more question when you say sand ? Do you use a hand sander or just quickly rough them up ?