Kitchen cabinets - do I need to protect enamel paint?
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Kitchen cabinets get a lot of use. I would seal the paint job with at least three coats of water based polyurethane. Don't know why you didn't prime. I always prime whenever I paint.
Hi, no need to seal. It will harden with time as it completely cures. And the only sealer that you could put on alkyd is oil based. And oil based has a tendency to yellow. I know it'll be grand when you're finished!
It would be wise to add a clear sealer now, before you get it all put back together.
A sealer unless also oil based will roll off. Paint takes a month to completely dry. A top coat shouldnt be necessary for oil based enamel. Good luck
If you are not sure about putting a clear sealer over the paint you chose.... make a call to the manufacturer and ask... they will be able to give you the best recommendation as to yes or no.... and what product to use.
Since this is an alkyd instead of a true oil base, then it is better to prime first if you want the true durability particularly in the kitchen. Do not put a sealer on this paint.
You may see a slight color cast difference depending on the light/angle between the primed and unprimed. Not only does primer provide seal coat for paint it also makes the final color more vivid and true.
The can does say to use a primer and sealer. They just want you to use theirs. I like their response to your email. "Because of this, you shouldn’t need to touch-up often." What does that mean?! They don't recommend it but the paint will chip, literally. Kitchen cabinets get a lot of use and abuse. How often would you want to touch up. I still would clear coat for added protection.