Can you use snap vinyl plank flooring to walls?

by Diane
We have left over flooring and I am wondering if if can be used as a backsplash of sorts. It’s not the peel and stick kind, it’s the snap and lock kind.

  6 answers
  • 2dogal 2dogal on May 31, 2018

    If you are planning on doing that, make sure the flooring is waterproof - not just water resistant. And yes, my daughter-in-law did that on a child's bedroom wall and it looks great. You can always put glue on the wall if you think it needs it.

  • You'll have to get crafty with covering up the edges but why not?😉

    • Robert Weston Robert Weston on Sep 14, 2019

      I've done this to create a faux wooden beam (wooden swath) as an accent behind my toilet in the bath. I border each side with a thin 1.5" sealed wood moulding strip. Make sure not to over glue... Use an +/- 1/8" notched trowel to spread the adhesive. "Butter" both sides if necessary, or at least wet the flooring with an adhesive skim coat and trowel the wall. Ideally you want just a puff of adhesive to squeeze out when firmly place. Consider the "snap in" joint lock, so that the plank seats on the snap in side, and squishes out the other, so you trap minimal void areas. Too much glue will cause sagging. May not be a bad idea to have a fitted 1/4"-1/2" plywood ready in case the adhesive you choose needs support during drying. Also realize that if you do this in sections, the adhesive may set in the snap channel making it impossible to start up again on day two. Plan 3x, do once...correctly.

  • Ann Cherkas Halstead Ann Cherkas Halstead on May 31, 2018

    Use liquid nails to appt directly to the wall

  • William William on May 31, 2018

    Use a construction adhesive like Locktite Powergrab to glue it on the wall.

  • 1401470 1401470 on Jun 03, 2018

    You need to get a quick drying glue. Home Depot will have some kind of adhesive glue. Clean the surface first before applying and you may need to lean something again it while it dries.