What to do about damage caused by carpenter bees?

by Dmu30847696
Noticed sawdust after a lot of carpenterbees hanging around.
We have aluminum siding wondering what to do if they have damaged wood underneath?

  2 answers
  • They probably have. They bore into the wood to lay their eggs.

  • Ellis Ellis on Jun 14, 2018

    There are carpenter bee traps (they look like little birdhouses that you hang on the eaves or gutters of your house) that the bees enter and get trapped in a jar below. Home Depot sells one with a little trap door to empty out dead bees. When all the bees are caught, then you have to look for the holes they bore into the house, then use an insecticide dust with a little squeeze ball device to insert into their galleries, and seal them up at the end of the season, making sure there's no traffic of bees in and out first. There are several pretty good videos on the internet. The bees are a real nuisance.