How to put up a fence with not a lot of money.

Brigitte Pare
by Brigitte Pare

I want to put up a 100 feet fence in my backyard , I need ideas that doesn’t cost a lot, I don’t have a lot of money and I want It to be pretty. 4 feet high is enough.. please help.

  6 answers
  • Oliva Oliva on Jun 27, 2018

    Does it have to be fencing? Could you plant a hedge?

  • Elaine Elaine on Jun 27, 2018

    You can use galvanized fence posts with brackets that attach to wood. Then use pallet wood for the fence boards Make sure to paint or stain the pallet wood before you put it up. It will last longer

  • Barbara Barbara on Jun 27, 2018

    Rolled wire fencing (called hog wire) will probably be the least expensive option but to make it attractive it could be framed with wood. Sturdy fence posts will be the most important and most expensive element.

  • Mogie Mogie on Jun 27, 2018

    A pallet fence.

  • Oliva Oliva on Jun 27, 2018

    Unless your dogs would push their way through a deep hedge (such as privet), I would think this would be cheaper than cyclone fencing or wood. Privet can be trained to be quite dense, even at the bottom. It multiplies from cuttings, dependent upon how much time you can wait. You can plant Ruta Graveolens as a hedge, which dogs avoid due to the smell. It might need staked, though, because it can become top heavy. Since you're in Canada, I'm thinking you need something deer proof? If your dogs would chase deer, you may need cyclone or wood, although deer easily jump 4' heights. We use Liquid fence to repel deer from our hedgeline, which has worked well. Alternatively, you could pound in 6' metal stakes which have "clips", to which you attach green or black polypropylene fencing (4' or 6' rolls, come in 50' and 100' lengths) and can be pinned or weighed down at the base.
