Asked on May 14, 2014

I am looking for someone to build me a pergola

Arlette Twersky
by Arlette Twersky
I have a cement patio and want to have someone with experience build a pergola with a deck over the patio. I have a picture of just the one I would like that I found online. I have a couple of people that said they could do it, but I'm hesitating because they don't seem to have much experience. Can you find me someone near Bensalem PA who knows what they are doing?
I plan to use the pergola as a succah.
looking for someone in my area with enough experience to do a nice job of this
  25 answers
  • Historic Shed Historic Shed on May 15, 2014
    The best way to know that the person you hire to build it is going to build what you want is to have some architectural drawings done showing how it is is going to be secured, size and type of lumber, etc. Otherwise you are trusting their experience to do it right.
  • Polly Zieper Polly Zieper on May 15, 2014
    I'd ask friends/neighbors if they know of a 'handyman'. It doesn't look that complicated, but you never know. sometimes its more $ to DIY than to buy.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on May 15, 2014
    I just do not understand pergolas! If you are going to put that much into building something, why not put a top on it so it will be somewhat weatherproof? Maybe we just get so much heat down here in Atlanta we need the shade!
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    • Lynn5280 Lynn5280 on May 21, 2014
      @Jeanette S Jeanette it is better not to have a roof if you're in hurricane areas...pergolas do offer some shade especially if you have hanging plants.
  • Terri S Terri S on May 15, 2014
    You could try Angie's list for recommendations.
  • Arlette Twersky Arlette Twersky on May 16, 2014
    Do you mean that he should provide the drawings to show me what he intends to do? How would I know if the plan was sound or not? Thanks for your reply.
  • Gail@Purple Hues and Me Gail@Purple Hues and Me on May 16, 2014
    You really have to do some research on what companies actually make pergolas. I had one made to my specifications, taking a drawing to the deck and fencing companies who advertised here in Maryland. Not all responded with how they would make it. Some just offered a price with no cost details.
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  • Jean Kiehl Kloska Jean Kiehl Kloska on May 16, 2014
    The design/photo you are showing is beautiful !
  • Mary Thorne Mary Thorne on May 16, 2014
    It isn't that hard, my husband and I built ours in a weekend. We also built our pool deck. The main thing is knowing something about the construction work and having the right tools. I would suggest going to the library and getting a DIY book, or look online for plans. That's how we were able to do ours. You could also check out your local home improvement store for suggestions about contractors.
  • Bonnie S Bonnie S on May 16, 2014
    I saw white ones at Menards all pre-cut and finished..but about $3000
  • Tina Hulgan Tina Hulgan on May 16, 2014
    Hello my name is Tina and I'm with All About Patio Covers we are located in Houston, Tx. Check with Angies List in your Area For a contractor Using Angies List only homeowner can write about contractor's instead of contractors paying to have reviews writing about there company. Hope this helps. Regards, Tina
  • Linda Linda on May 16, 2014
    Arlette, look around your neighborhoor and see if someone has one in their yard or maybe another structure built and ask them who built it. See if they're happy with what they have and ask questions about that builder. See if you can contact that person and talk to them about building what you want.
  • Toni pratt Toni pratt on May 16, 2014
    what's a succah?
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    • Diane Diane on Aug 08, 2020

      A Jewish term for a temporary dwelling for the holiday of Sukkot. I had to Google it!

  • Sara N Sara N on May 16, 2014
    Library and internet sites will explain angle necessary for shaded in summer, sunny in winter. In my experience, if you research some and know what it takes to build it yourself, you are more likely to get what you want from the person you hire. Your picture inspired me to put a pergola over part of my hot sunny deck, and then I could hang a gutter pipe over it to water my plants! Thanks!
  • Jeri Niksich Jeri Niksich on May 16, 2014
    Our Home Depot has one set up in front of the store that you can buy the kit or have the contactor that sells them to Home Depot build it for you. You might want to check out or call Home Depot about it.
  • Sally Roesner Fuhr Sally Roesner Fuhr on May 16, 2014
    I don't quite understand pergolas either. It's as with decks--it is no shelter from the sun, wind, rain, cold, etc. It is something to suspend things from, I guess.
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    • Diane Diane on Aug 08, 2020

      It can filter the sun to provide shade or semi-shade. Yes, you can suspend plants and lights, too. It can also provide the framework to train climbing or trailing plants. I have seen them with wisteria growing over the top kind of like a thatched roof! Very natural and organic looking. Sweet smelling, too.

  • Shawn Suarez Shawn Suarez on May 17, 2014
    South Texan, born and raised! our house also faces west so shaded back yard here too! I love the sun but so wonderful to have the afternoon shade in the backyard.
  • James Reeves James Reeves on May 18, 2014
    Go see jobs contractor you choose has done resently, l hired a window contractor that a woman my wife worked with in Trenton ontario. First window and the other 15 plus 3 doors had to have removed after paying $ 8,000 then cost another $ 3,500.00 to have taken out reinstalled 3 months latter discovered seals broke on all he took me to court judge not fair made me pay him a nightmare jim
  • James Reeves James Reeves on May 22, 2014
    Yes i am a drywall taper never would rip anyone off l takes losses but not everyone is honest be careful jim
  • Mila S Mila S on May 25, 2014
    My husband built our pergola w/a little help from me. We ordered the plans off the internet. We bought rolls of bamboo fencing & covered the roof, just so we have some protection from the sun. He also used our underground sprinkler system & incorporated sprinklers around it in the planting beds. So, in the heat of the summer, we can get cooled off w/out getting wet. It's amazing & we love it!
  • Virginia Philo Virginia Philo on May 25, 2014
    I would do as suggested above, find someone with a deck or similar structure that looks recent and good, and ask them who built it. Ask if there have been any problems with it.
  • Mary Thorne Mary Thorne on Jun 27, 2017

    We love it Ginny. It allows for rain to water my container plants, yet it is very cool and even lowered the temperature of the house by at least 5 degrees. Doesn't sound like much, but every bit helps. My kitchen used to be very warm and the A/C doesn't run as much now as it did before the pergola. It's similar to this one, except ours is on our second floor. That also provides for space under the deck to be utilized.

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  • Mary Thorne Mary Thorne on Jun 27, 2017

    I am very happy we have it. It provides a lot of shade, even though it's open. The lattice roof allows for rain to water my container plants, so we can't sit out when it rains, but it keeps the house a little cooler because it blocks that 5 o'clock sun.

  • Arlette Twersky Arlette Twersky on Jun 27, 2017

    It.s beautiful!

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Sep 25, 2023

    Ask manufactuer if they erect as well as supply! Choose a Garden Shed/Pergola Company and ask what they would charge to do the job. You can also buy DIY Pergolas with instructions to DIY it.

  • Mogie Mogie on Oct 20, 2023

    You could order a kit and install it yourself or pay someone to install it. That way you could order the exact size you want or need.