How to hang mops and brooms?

Merna Zimmerman
by Merna Zimmerman
  7 answers
  • Cindy Cindy on Jul 01, 2018

    Hi Merna, We have a strip of clamp-like fasteners on the wall in our garage that were made for hanging our mops and brooms. It keeps everything organized and all in one place. I just press the handles into the clamps and they stay in place. Best of luck to you.

  • Dfm Dfm on Jul 01, 2018

    at one time, I had a bar of clips,push handle in ,clips grabbed and held it. A more conventional device is to drill a hole in the broomstick/ mop handle or some come with cap that has a hole, add a loop of cording and hang on a hook.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Jul 02, 2018

    I have found that these Spectrum holders are sturdy, strong enough to hold heavier poles and do not crack as the insides are made from rubber. They are available in singles, or in hook combo units.

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  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jul 02, 2018

    In the garage, we have everything with holes or handles hanging on nails, with the heavier ones on real big nails. I am lucky, someone made a little built in cupboard into the wall in the basement stairway and put in the strip of clamps made for brooms and mops.

  • Ellis Ellis on Jul 02, 2018

    Command hooks, or the new Command clips for mops and brooms.

  • Merna Zimmerman Merna Zimmerman on Jul 02, 2018

    Thanks for help. I found the strip on Amazon

  • Landsharkinnc Landsharkinnc on Jul 02, 2018

    always with the head DOWN ... drill hole in handle and use a hook ...