Can someone give me easy instructions on repainting furniture?

I have a computer desk with a hutch and extension. It is made out of cheap particle board/laminate, but has really served it's purpose. It's even a pretty piece so I would like to salvage it. The varnish is wearing off. Even if I set a slightly chill glass for a few minutes it will leave a glass ring. Chalk paint or any paint that is easy to apply would be wonderful. I am a novice and a dabbler when it comes to painting. Can I do this?? Instructions please?? Thank you!! Debi

  4 answers
  • Amanda Amanda on Jul 11, 2018

    HI Debi. I just refinished a particle board desk with chalk paint and it turned out great! What I did was wipe it down with mineral spirits first to remove any residue. Then I applied a few coats of chalk paint. Last I used a chalk paint protective coat. I have 2 children and so far it has held up. Good Luck!

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Jul 11, 2018

    Clean the desk all over. Paint the whole desk with chalk paint. If you get a couple of different primary colors, you can use each one on different surfaces, then mix together for a third color. To use it outside or inside as a plant stand, give it a couple of coats of outdoor sealer. Only sand if you have splintery areas. Just one idea to add to the pot, Debi. Best wishes! ā˜ŗļø

  • Brittony Martin Brittony Martin on Jul 11, 2018

    I've had the best long-term success by priming before painting.

  • Janice Janice on Jul 11, 2018

    Debi, Amanda's instructions are great! I painted an old particle board entertainment center the same color as my walls (not chalk paint) and it worked well for a long time. The paint can be scraped off though if something sharp is moved across it, but overall painting is a great way to update some of these types of items. Go for it!