How do I get over my fear of power tools?

Debra S
by Debra S
I am being faced with the tasks of home repairs by myself. An older woman. I'm so afraid of using power tools! I need to saw boards... there are several power saws here.. a table saw and a hand saw? Anyway... are there classes I can take to learn to use them? I'm terrified but if I do not learn nothing is going to get done.

  8 answers
  • Joseph Glackin Joseph Glackin on Jul 12, 2018

    Try a community college or a big box store for classes. Or, get some scrap wood & goggles and try a simple DIY project. We all had to learn.

  • Joy Elizabeth Joy Elizabeth on Jul 12, 2018

    I cut crooked a lot, but get better as I go! As long as you set up your wood so it is stable on saw horses, why not just try cutting some simple boards to get a feel for the tools. I use a circular saw as a complete novice and it wasn't bad at all once I just went for it!

    • See 1 previous
    • Joy Elizabeth Joy Elizabeth on Jul 13, 2018

      Mine is made by Craftsman, Its heavy, but it has a little laser sight on it that makes it easier for me to push it straight across a large piece.

  • You can conquer this. Education will get you over your fear and so will hands on experience. Try adult education classes, big box stores, community colleges, local trade schools. Google: "where to learn to use power tools in (name of your city or area.)" You can read books, watch on line videos, but there is nothing like the feel of them in your hands. Here are sites to get you started! You can absolutely do this! 🌞

  • William William on Jul 12, 2018

    Home Depot has free demonstration on projects and using tools. You can get in touch with them and they would be more willing to instruct you on proper use of tools.

    • Debra S Debra S on Jul 12, 2018

      YES I never thought of Home Depot... I DO see they have classes on about everything from time to time. I MUST look into it. I have a son but lives far away or he'd be here helping. I hate to ask people, can't pay.. and I really want to tackle some things here!

  • Joanne lueke Joanne lueke on Jul 12, 2018

    This site has videos on each of the basic power tools and how to use them.

  • Sharon Sharon on Jul 12, 2018

    I usually just got some guy I knew who did wood work to show me how to use each tool, have even enlisted a neighbor or two over the years. Then if you have a cut list, when you buy lumber at Home Depot they will cut it for you.

    You can also check out videos on YouTube...

    Ladies.... got long hair, tie it back. Don't wear blousy sleeves when cutting, or jewelry like necklaces, bracelets or rings.

    Mitre saw...

  • William William on Jul 12, 2018

    You can also ask a neighbor to show you how to use power tools. Make sure you use hearing and eye protection. You can even check some websites, Youtube videos. Also check the Home Depot, Skill tool, Black and Decker,, Dewalt, Ryobi websites. They should have some videos on proper tool use. I know they have DIY projects also.

  • Sher Sher on Jul 13, 2018

    Home Depot offers free sessions for many things. Maybe suggest a power tool class for beginners