Thrift store headboard ?

Judy Matrille
by Judy Matrille
  3 answers
  • Diane Diane on Aug 18, 2018

    Is it solid wood? If so sand, wipe down with tolmlson wood protector. Add a primer, spray or brush your color, maybe add a stencil on the front or a modge podge a paper design. Than attach it to a fence and plant small perennials, they live longer than 2 years, In front. Even if you don't have a fence lean it against a wall, just make sure there's sun.

    Also works with metal, only you don't need the wood protector.

    Also on this site up above there's a Ask a question, they'll give you more ideas and there's YouTube. Have fun.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Aug 18, 2018

    Sounds great! Depending on the theme for that room, you can do a lot with that headboard. You could paint it a shade of white and trim it in any color you like best., or use liquid gold! You can place it directly behind the bed as a headboard, or centered above the bed as wall art. You can use it on another wall and add artificial flowers. So many more ideas are on and Pinterest. Best wishes ❤️

  • John John on Aug 18, 2018

    Turn it into a bench/storage or toy box

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