How to fix side of couch that cats destroyed

by Rojaperky

i have a couch that my cats used as a scratching board its only on the side of it is there a cheap and easy cover up i can do until i can replace it

  5 answers
  • Gk Gk on Sep 15, 2018

    I have seen people take a piece of material/vinyl and fold it/hem it to match the side of the couch and then use spiral upholstery tacks to attach it to the side of the couch.

  • 2818713 2818713 on Sep 15, 2018

    I throw a blanket over mine :) You could also do something like this except maybe wider, a table that slides under the bottom of the couch and covers up some of the side. We built this one out of plywood.

    comment photo
  • Judi1 Judi1 on Sep 15, 2018

    You can glue several layers of cardboard together to get a good thickness and wrap it tightly with sisal rope and staple it securely to the side of the couch.

  • Ann Ann on Sep 15, 2018

    at my pet store I found a roll of double sided sticky tape-(like the tape used for packages) I patched the material and miss kitty does not like it-will replace cover soon

  • Sherri Sherri on Sep 15, 2018

    Since your cats aren't going to magically stop clawing that spot, I'd go for putting the scratching pad on the side of the couch as suggested. (Cardboard and sisal rope.) Good luck.