Repurpose kitckem cabinet doors when new ones are put on instead of th

by Sha30572092

how to repurpose the front of kitchen cabinet doors when they ha e been replaced with new ones

  4 answers
  • Janice Janice on Oct 02, 2018

    I've seen them repurposed into serving trays...handles on each end. Also, you could paint some type of saying on them for kitchen or another room of the house or a "welcome" sign out on your front porch or entry. Could add cup hooks or push pins to one side to hold jewelry and then mount in your dressing area.

  • Ebbjdl Ebbjdl on Oct 02, 2018

    Sha Hello,. Put them up in the garage, for storage space, their not deep enough to get in the way. Paint each one a different color, so you can put certain things together. When you want something, you can tell someone "it's in the red cabinet". Aloha

  • Deanna Nassar Deanna Nassar on Oct 02, 2018

    Using 2x2 strips you could make storage cabinets out of them. Remove hardware and nail them together. Could leave one as a door.

  • Homeroad Homeroad on Oct 02, 2018

    Here is one of the projects I did with a cabinet door...

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