I need some ideas for Christmas presents (do not have a lot of money?

by Cindie

I need ideas to make some Christmas presents?

  10 answers
  • Sandra Sandra on Oct 05, 2018

    Is that a question or a statement???

  • Sandra Sandra on Oct 05, 2018

    I suggest that you re-think what Christmas is all about...it's not about getting or giving stuff --or at least IMHO it shouldn't be. If you truly want to give gifts, you can probably find new stuff super cheap and give those. How about making cookies or homemade banana bread or something like that in a huge batch and giving that? Or inviting everyone over for a nice dinner. You could invite family/friends over for a Singalong of Christmas carols. If you have a pond nearby you could have a skating party, which would be a beautiful life-long memory for all invited. (I know I treasure the memories of the 4 times I went ice skating on a non-rink aka a LAKE or POND in the MidWest as a child.) Think about what you already have, what your talents are, and what your goal is. Is your goal to not be thought cheap/poor? Is it to create wonderful memories? Most people simply do what their parents did or what our materialistic media portrays on tv. Do some serious thinking about what's important to you and I believe you'll find the answer to your own question.

  • Zest it Up Zest it Up on Oct 05, 2018

    We have a ton of ideas on our blog!

    Here's a few:


    You can infuse some honey, pair it with a coffee cup from the dollar tree and some tea for a cute gift: https://zestitup.com/how-to-infuse-your-own-honey/

    Hope you feel inspired!

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Oct 05, 2018

    I think it's admirable that you want to make presents and that you are starting now rather than wait until the last minute. That said, if you keep a lookout, you may be able to purchase items on clearance as well as making items. Depending on your list, you may be really busy.

    One thing I think would be great is a wreath. Dollar Tree has items to make them and you could do a Valentine's wreath using Christmas ribbon (red & white).

    One year my sister made homemade candies for all of us and put them in a tin. It wasn't a money thing, just a labor love. It was great!

    Here's a project for diy coasters:


    Put the ingredients in a jar for a baked item (brownies for example) and tie with a ribbon that has the recipe attached.

  • Mary Lou Mary Lou on Oct 05, 2018

    You could make jam or can vegetables, put cute labels on them

  • Shore grandmom Shore grandmom on Oct 05, 2018

    You could make coasters to match their décor. Here are two ways, one using premade tiles and another where you make your own.



    Watch for a fabric sale and make infinity scarves.


  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Oct 05, 2018

    Food is always welcome! Especially if it is packaged nicely. Inexpensive AND delicious! Anything homemade or hand made is wonderful.

  • I like making soap. This one is "man soap" but you can adjust the scents too. Hope this helps. Hugs, Holly


  • Cms25002576 Cms25002576 on Oct 06, 2018

    i really like going to antique malls, you know the kind of place where there are several vendors, and look for nice interesting pieces for the people on my list. always find treasures that can be cleaned up and wrapped nicely. my husband likes chinese pieces and i found lots of pieces for this office, like big pieces to hold wet umbrellas and statues etc..

  • Merrill M Merrill M on Oct 06, 2018

    Try making rub mixes (a lot of recipes online) in different flavors. You can usually buy herbs and spices in bulk. It's nice to give them in jars, but you can also use zip-lock bags with a ribbon and label.