How to make a hook to open/close ac vents?

by Sharon
  4 answers
  • Ann Ann on Oct 11, 2018

    bend a wire coat hanger

    • Sharon Sharon on Oct 11, 2018

      Never even thought of that. Thank you. I’m sure it will work.

  • I'm wondering if you could use a wire hanger, Sharon. Once you stretch it out, it's pretty long. Using a pair of pliers, bend a hook in one end to grab the little lever. Hope this helps!

    • Sharon Sharon on Oct 11, 2018

      Duh! I should have thought of that. I don’t use them so I didn’t even think of this. It will work.

      thank you!!

  • Mindshift Mindshift on Oct 11, 2018

    I have two types of ceiling vents in my home. Both of them have louvers behind the exterior vents which can be closed by moving a lever shown on the right side in the photo below. I leave these open most of the time, but when I need to change the setting I usually just use a broom handle to tap the lever to close the interior louvers.

    The vent in the photo also has exterior louvers that can be adjusted. However, these must be adjusted one by one as they are not linked. The only time these are likely to be closed is when I'm cleaning them, and I am already on a ladder.

    comment photo
  • Sharon Sharon on Oct 11, 2018

    Thank you. Mine are different. I think the suggestions for wire hanger will work