How to make mod podge?

Joan Uitz
by Joan Uitz
  4 answers
  • Rose Broadway Rose Broadway on Oct 15, 2018

    Here's a home-made idea, Joan!

  • Sally Alter Sally Alter on Oct 15, 2018

    Rose, Mod Podge really is cheap to buy!!!

  • Tuula - Color Me Thrifty Tuula - Color Me Thrifty on Oct 15, 2018

    Hi Rose, I used to make my own out of white glue and water, but I figured I wasn't actually saving much money if any when I was making it. It's quite inexpensive to buy and a little goes a long way.

  • Ama Ama on Oct 16, 2018

    Rose, I jumped on this question as soon as I saw it. I'm always looking for ways to

    DIY things. I've used the white glue and water in the past and it works well. I don't

    remember the "exact" recipe anymore. Try 1 cup of white glue and a half cup of

    water on a sample product. Hope it works for you.