How do I paint over paneling?

Dianna Franer
by Dianna Franer

I have paneling all throughout our home and sick of it. Can it be painted over if so type of paint and how to get it to flow from dining to living room to front room. The front room was a porch that prievious owners inclosed leaving original front door and big bay window in place. Any ideas on what can be done to open or cover the window it drives me crazy. Any Help thoughts ideas are appreciated Please.

  5 answers
  • William William on Nov 10, 2018

    Make sure the paneling is clean and dry. Prime with a good stain blocking primer like Zinsser 123, BIN or Kilz. Then paint like painting regular walls. Acrylic latex paint will work. If the paneling has grooves you can fill them with non shrink drywall patching compound. Just put on enough to fill the grooves. Let it dry overnight. Next day use a damp sponge to smooth the patch. Then prime and paint.

  • Nan W. Nan W. on Nov 10, 2018

    Dianna: First of all, a photo would really help us -- and give you valuable feedback.

    Secondly, paneling can be painted -- and looks great... giving the wall a fresh look. Prime first, then a couple of coats of good quality paint.

    ...I'll attach a photo of the living room that I did... the paneled (painted!) wall is to the viewer's left of the fireplace.

    comment photo
    • Dianna Franer Dianna Franer on Nov 11, 2018

      Yes sorry about photo I wasn’t home but I will definitely post before and after. Thank you for the information and your picture it does help. This gives me hope. Thanks

  • Yes, you can paint over paneling with latex paint. I would suggest priming first. You could have a handyman remove the window and frame out the opening, so it is more like an intentional opening.

    • See 2 previous
    • Dianna Franer Dianna Franer on Nov 12, 2018

      Thanks I actually went and got some paint swatches today. Clever thanks so much

  • Jackie Jackie on Nov 11, 2018

    I agree with the others on prime then paint and as far as gettng it to "flow" to the other rooms, go to yor paint store and pick a 2 or 3 color chip of paint samples that you like and use 1 color for each room.

    • See 1 previous
    • Jackie Jackie on Nov 12, 2018

      It does seem hard especially realizing your going to have to live with what you choose for years but the chip idea saved my sanity. My other idea for you door and window although probably not cheap would be to close off the door and convert the window into french doors or cheaper, just a case opening.

  • Joan Stanley Joan Stanley on Nov 12, 2018

    I painted my family room paneling years ago and have never regreted it! I did not fill in the crevices so it looks kind of cottage. I got some estimates to have it painted but after I recovered from the shock, I bought a home size paint sprayer. One solid coat of Kilz and 2 coats of paint. It went so fast that I continued into the kitchen, inside and out of the cabinets.

    Fast and easy. Just be sure all your furniture is moved or well covered, and floor.

    • Dianna Franer Dianna Franer on Nov 12, 2018

      Love the paint sprayer! Do you regret not filling in the crevices and do you have a picture of the look? Would love to see! Thank you so much going to purchase the sprayer lol. Might be a bit smoother and even.