How do I change the look of spindles?

We are tired of these spindles in the opening in the upstairs hallway that overlooks the den. We need suggestions for a new look.

  6 answers
  • Nancy L. Hobart Kacz Nancy L. Hobart Kacz on Dec 31, 2018

    I forgot the picture. Its below.

    comment photo
  • William William on Dec 31, 2018

    Looks like an after thought. I would remove the spindles, two center supports, and the trim and framing. Patch the area where the molding was with drywall and drywall compound flush with the wall. It would look architecturally and visually correct.

  • V Smith V Smith on Dec 31, 2018

    I agree with William. If you have the strength and skills take it all down. If you are just looking for a quick fix removing the spindles will go a long way to making it look better.

  • Judy in Canton. Judy in Canton. on Jan 01, 2019

    Remove the spindles, and hang art between the posts or something unique like tin shields.

  • If the room upstairs needs privacy/seclusion, install plantation shutters in the areas where spindles have been removed.

  • Oliva Oliva on Jan 02, 2019

    Given the appearance of a serious height difference from the spindle area to the first floor, I'd consider replacing the spindles , installing plexiglass, or tempered glass between remaining posts ( or uprights matching your decor style), with steel cables then strung along the width of the opening ( as you find in CA, or on contemporary decks) The last thing you need is for a child (or an adult who loses their balance) to fall from that height.