How can I modernize the color of my cabinets?

Ngoc Ngo
by Ngoc Ngo

my cabinets in the kitchen is honey oak color and I hate it . The granite is brownish with olive green under tone . What should I do? Paint it white or stain it darker color? The floor will be tile wood looked medium not dark not too light.

  5 answers
  • White might be too stark against all the brown tones. What is your wall color? How about a creamy color with greenish undertones to coordinate with both the granite and floors? Then paint the walls a paler shade of the green in the granite? It would certainly brighten things up. Buy samples and test. Paint colors never ever look the same in the paint store as they do in your home and on your cabinets.

  • Polly Fuller Polly Fuller on Jan 01, 2019

    dark would make your kitchen really dark with all the other colors. unless you have a lot of natural light coming in, I would paint them a light color or, the newest trend, one color on the bottom and another on top.

  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Jan 01, 2019

    When trying to decide what color to co-ordinate with your counter top, head to the paint store and pick up a number of paint samples (paper squares) bring them home and decide that way. You can purchase stain kits made by Rustoleum which has everythng in the kit from start to finish for less than $100. If you paint, you need to really clean well, prime with a good primer such as Zinsser Bullseye 1-2-3 primer and then two coats of top coat. The primer can be tinted the same color as your final coat so it covers better.

  • Em Em on Jan 01, 2019

    What about a green to go with the counter in chalk paint. You can darken them with antiquing wax on the edges that will tie in the floor. They have a cool moss color in chalk paint I got at Walmart.

  • Ngoc Ngo Ngoc Ngo on Jan 01, 2019

    Wow I really appreciated all of your suggestions. I will try to paint it light color . Should I sand the surface of the cabinets first? What kind of sandpaper should I use and can I use a machine to do it faster?