How can I use extra large Christmas tree bulbs all year?

by Gwenpowell11604

such as a front or back yard decoration.

  3 answers
  • Jennifer Decorates Jennifer Decorates on Jan 02, 2019

    We hung them on the wall in our bonus room. We display a lot of vintage Christmas in this room, and they look beautifully when lit while we are watching a movie.

    • Gwenpowell11604 Gwenpowell11604 on Jan 09, 2019

      I live in a senior area and it is compact. I can use the idea on my patio. Thanks for your time in responding.

  • Deb K Deb K on Jan 02, 2019

    Hello, I have light in my back yard all year long, they of course look better if they are a solid color, but if you enjoy lots of colors use them. I wrap the trunks of the trees, I have some on the peak of my dog's house, and run them along the top rail of your fence. Also you can put them on shrubs.

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  • Gwenpowell11604 Gwenpowell11604 on Jan 09, 2019

    Thanks for your help. My question is resolved