What can I do with terrible looking glass ornaments?

by TL

I have some glass ornaments which look terrible. Does anyone have any suggestions what I could do with them?

  5 answers
  • Maybe you could give them a coat of spray paint?

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Jan 04, 2019


    One choice could be to marble or glitter them.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Jan 05, 2019

    If the glass is not too fragile to withstand holding and some pressure against it, then you could revive the ornaments by glueing on bling stickers or ribbon. The 1/8" or 1/4" double sided tape that comes in rolls works well under the ribbon as it does not leak or show through.

    A bow around the top can go a long way in 'hiding an ornament's old age'.

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  • K K on Jan 05, 2019

    Depends on type of glass, but you should be okay with paint, glass glue, and sanding. You could also try paper mache', decoupage makeover, glitter, mordant, etc.

  • TL TL on Jan 06, 2019

    Thank you all these are really good answers