How do I get clean built up stain on a black toilet bowl?

Dolores Webster
by Dolores Webster
  5 answers
  • Janice S Janice S on Jan 08, 2019

    If Canadian, mothers choice from Canadian Tire.

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Jan 08, 2019

    What is it made of marble? Empty water from bowl soak paper towels with vinegar or lemon juice and let soak on stains mineral deposits then scrub by adding some baking soda. What is the stain?

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Jan 08, 2019

    Hello, I have tried many of the tips and tricks to include koolaid and many of the commercial cleaners and they have failed.

    My solution was the pumice stick. This is excellent way to remove stains and rings in the toilet. When commercial toilet cleaners fail -this is my go to. Great for thick crusted calcium mineral build up that the toilet waterbowl collcts.

    They are found at my local Walmart for less than two dollars -good for multiple uses.

    Be sure to follow the use instructions, soaking the pumice stone in water for a few minutes. While the stone is soaking, grab your toilet brush and splash water up around the ring. Note: It’s very important to keep both the stone and the surface wet while cleaning to avoid scratching your porcelain.

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  • Sharon Sharon on Jan 09, 2019

    make a paste of vinegar and baking soda, let sit for 15 minutes then flush dawn. repeat if necessary.

    you can also use CLR. (calicum,lime, rust) hope this helps.

  • Michelle Leslie Michelle Leslie on Jun 24, 2022

    Hi there, here's a great guide that talks specifically about keeping black toilets free from build up -