How do I decorate the walls with fabric?

Sondra Seal
by Sondra Seal

I live in an apartment and I hated the plain walls. I know there are different ways to glad them up.

  3 answers
  • Suellen Hintz Suellen Hintz on Jan 12, 2019

    They make rovable wallpaper that is perfect for renters, or using removable hangers, make an interesting gallery wall.

  • Jean Barnes Jean Barnes on Jan 12, 2019

    You can try

    Spraying material with liquid starch and a playing the cloth like wallpaper.

  • Lisa Lisa on Jan 12, 2019

    Way back in the olden days (or in the 70's actually), we used liquid starch to put fabric up on walls. Put the liquid starch (buy at any grocery store) into a wash tub or large bucket. Dip your fabric in and use your hands to push out the excess starch back into the bucket as you pull the fabric out. It should be wet, but not dripping all over the place. Start at your ceiling corner and stretch out the fabric (you can use sheets if you want.) across and down your wall. Smooth out with your hands. It will dry and look great if you get all the wrinkles out! Do an accent wall with it and when you're ready to leave, it will easily peel off and you'll just have to wipe down the wall.