How do I hang canvas fabric on unfinished interior walls , no drywall?

by Cheryl
  6 answers
  • Stephanie Rozmarich Stephanie Rozmarich on Jun 19, 2017

    I stapled canvas to the wood beams from the floor up above using an electric staple gun.

    • Cheryl Cheryl on Jun 20, 2017

      Ok! That's the idea I had too, but needed " idea re-enforcement" lol

  • Denise Denise on Jun 19, 2017

    Hard to believe, but I actually had this problem in a previous house. There was a wall with dark wood paneling that had no drywall behind it. I stapled thin batting onto the paneling first (you can staple it to the studs, if you wanted to include batting.) Then I stapled fabric over it, predominantly at the top and bottom. You can cover the staples by hot-gluing some gimp or other type of braiding over the staples. If you're using canvas, which is heavy, Use staples that are about 1/2 inch or more. Hope this helps.

  • Nena Hodges Nena Hodges on Jun 19, 2017

    Trim molding would look lovely on the outer edged of the techniques above. And if you go with the batting idea perhaps you could give it a tufted look by nailing evenly spaced upholstery tacks

  • Wanda Dow Wanda Dow on Jun 19, 2017

    if it is long enough you can use curtain rods that hang from the ceiling

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  • C. D. Scallan C. D. Scallan on Jun 19, 2017

    One of my friends used a staple gun and covered an entire wall in burlap just stapling at the top and bottom .

  • Marie Miller Marie Miller on Jun 20, 2017

    I have heard you can soak the material in liquid starch and basically stick it on the wall. When it gets dirty you peel it off, wash it and do it again. I personally have never tried it.