How do you camouflage an exposed pipe?


I have two exposed pipes between my floor and wall. They rise out of the floor in parallel for about 18 inches, then elbows turns them into the wall. Together, the pipes are about 7 inches wide and the height is about two feet. I would like to construct a simple rectangular box to hide this, but don't know how to secure it to the wall and also fear that the boxy cover will look cheap and unattractive.

Any suggestions?


  3 answers
  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Jan 15, 2019

    Hi Chris,

    Could you post a couple of photos? That would help to picture it. When you box it in, attach to the walls with hinges for future maintenance. Can you match the existing wall materials that are near? If not, you could paint like an accent. Maybe even get creative with decorations.

  • Peggy L Burnette Peggy L Burnette on Jan 15, 2019

    Hi Chris, sorry you are having a bad time trying to camouflage your exposed pipe. Here are some hints I hope will help you. Ideas for Hiding Pipes | Hunker

    1. › ... › Home Design & Decor › Home Decor

    Don't let exposed pipes, such as those under a laundry tub or floating sink, offend an otherwise good-looking space when you can hide them behind a fabric ...

  • Mindshift Mindshift on Jan 16, 2019

    Building a new wall or a chase is the best long-term way to conceal pipes. What you are describing is a chase, and there is no reason you can't build the chase from the floor to the ceiling, thereby making it look like a structural column. You could even turn the upper part into storage if you want. The following link shows a basement where both a support column and a drainage pipe about 2 ft away were turned into a single decorative divider.

    Measure how much space you need to house the pipes. Mark the walls and make sure the vertical lines are perpendicular to the floor. Check that the wall itself is plumb and the floor is level. Attach the base studs to the wall using screws for either wood or concrete. Predrill where you attach the studs using a bit appropriate for the wall. Build a box frame with 2x4s and attach it to the base. You may need to shim the frame so it sits plumb. Cover the box frame with plywood or wallboard, then finish and trim as desired. At a minimum you will need the following tools: tape measure, pencil, level, drill and bits, and a circular or hand saw.