These two art prints in the same room?

by L.Briscoe
The color scheme on my sunporch is basically green and brown. It's a large room (20 x 24) and in one corner is a table and chairs; the chairs have red leather seats. One of the sofas is brown leather and the other has a palm leaf print. There are two large mounted, unframed prints in the room: one sailboat (shown below) and an abstract. I have come to despise the abstract, and was thinking about replacing it with the Audubon bird print below, hoping to tie in with the red leather seats of the dining chairs. But the color schemes of the two prints are not really cohesive. What do you think?
  11 answers
  • Donna Byram Donna Byram on Jul 30, 2014
    I don't see a problem with the color schemes. I do however, think the two different types of painting techniques may not look as well together. If this print was offered in a brush stroke type print I think it would go better with your ship picture. Adding a picture for comparison.
    comment photo
  • L.Briscoe L.Briscoe on Aug 01, 2014
    Thanks so much! I had given up on getting any response on this question. Very good point about the brush stroke vs photography, I hadn't thought of that. I'll be on the lookout for a print of a painting in the right colors. Thanks again. :)
    • Donna Byram Donna Byram on Aug 02, 2014
      @L.Briscoe Your welcome! Hope you can find something that when you see it you say, "I've got to have that!"
  • GraueKatze GraueKatze on Aug 03, 2014
    @.L.BriscoeI think they would look just fine (brush stroke and all) as long as you don't put them side by side or on the same wall.
    • L.Briscoe L.Briscoe on Aug 21, 2014
      @GraueKatze Thanks so much for your response! I was planning to put them on different walls, but the two walls are at right angles, so that still might be too close. I'm still deliberating, lol. Whatever I do, I'll have to live with it for a long time. Can't afford to change out stuff on a whim, if you know what I mean. :)
  • Sandy Sandy on Oct 22, 2014
    I actually LOVE these two prints for the same room! I currently teach art, but also have degrees in Interior Design, and Studio Art so this is right up my ally! 😊The colors complement one another, and the difference of texture would be no different than mixing textures of fabrics, furniture, finishes, etc. Or even mixing woods...which also brings style to a room. I really hope you went for it! Send pictures!
  • Lori Lori on Dec 21, 2014
    I agree with Sandy. The pictures, to me, go together just by what they are anyway, tropical, calm, water..... I especially agree with her comment about fabrics and furnishings. I bet all your furniture isn't all leather or all suede. Mine isn't. I know nothing about art, nothing, but I love it and enjoy each piece on it's own. Yes, please let us know and see what you did.
  • MagnoliaMama MagnoliaMama on Dec 21, 2014
    Most of my career involved writing interior design articles for national magazines, and I love these two prints for the same room. The artistic styles may be very different, but the theme is similar enough ... water, water birds ... that they evoke the same feeling. The bottom line is that art is the most personal design choice anyone can make. Select pieces that make you feel happy!
  • Cherie Cherie on Dec 21, 2014
    I think you've gotten the right idea from Sandy, Lori and Mama! Those paintings are close in theme and that's what matters most (along with color). I'd just hang them temporarily and see if you don't agree. Brush stroke means nothing if they aren't hung next to each other!
  • Jac Jac on Dec 21, 2014
    I agree that textures don't conflict here. But, if it bothers you, Mod Podge has a "Brushstroke" product that easily creates a textured finish. It isn't uncommon to see this technique on framed pictures in home décor stores. They aren't pretending to be fine art, just up-scaling printed pics.
  • Rose Rose on Dec 21, 2014
    I love them in the same room just different part of the rm.
  • Gail Salminen Gail Salminen on Dec 21, 2014
    @L.Briscoe I agree with all of those that say the different styles don't matter. Art is all about the eye of the beholder. I have many styles in my home and haven't worried about them all matching. If you are unsure place them on the floor and look at them together. If it makes you feel good go for it! They both do have similar themes of water.
  • Jan Jan on Dec 21, 2014
    I agree---art is very personal---if you love it---you will love it together---and they are both water theme---and matchy matchy is not in right now---nothing is permanent---