Asked on Jun 20, 2012

ugly shed

Becky P
by Becky P
We had this shed built a few years ago. I detest it! When there is a rain from the front, the doors leak. I really wish the builder would have made the roof line come over the door/window. I put door sweeps on top and bottom of the doors, but it doesn't really help. What can I do besides redoing the roof?
  16 answers
  • Becky P Becky P on Jun 20, 2012
    p.s. I grew the wisteria on the arbor from a seed.
  • Pam Pam on Jun 20, 2012
    Can you add a valance over the door and windows to stop the rain from entering them?
  • 3po3 3po3 on Jun 20, 2012
    What about adding little awnings over the door and the windows? You can buy simple, prefab awnings.
  • Carla M Carla M on Jun 20, 2012
    rain diverter--get them at hd; they guide water off to the side of the shed, they really w ork!
  • on Jun 21, 2012
    You could attach a baton around the top edge and then re-felt the roof. That would stop the problem.
  • Jerri T Jerri T on Jun 21, 2012
    I agree with Carla. A rain diverter is an inexpensive fix that works. Here's a page about installing with a link on how to make one.
  • Lori J Lori J on Jun 21, 2012
    I would doll up the shed a bit. Window boxes, shutters on the windows, perhaps a pop of more vibrant color on doors or trim or shutters. Our old house came with a very old shed converted from a Model T garage and added on to rather awkwardly (just so you know, it can be uglier). All was a very washed out aqua color with dull white trim. Well painted, but not our color choice. Like you, we have a roof on a section that ends too abruptly. We are putting on a new roof this summer, and extending it to add gutters. I don't quite know how this will work, just trust my husband cause he is really good at this stuff.
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  • Becky P Becky P on Jun 21, 2012
    thanks everyone for the ideas. I had thought about putting corbels on the sides of the doors and installing a makeshift roof (I still have shingles left over). But then I realized we wouldn't be able to open the doors fully.
  • Lori J Lori J on Jun 21, 2012
    They do make an edging of sorts that goes under the bottom shingle and creates a lip that diverts water to either side. That would probably be the easiest solution.
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Jun 21, 2012
    Your building style is very common with the "basic" tuff shed type of projects. It is the cheaper way to build by not having to do complex framing like what would be used in building a home. I built my shed back in 2005 and designed it like a mini house with overhangs on all four sides. you might be able to tuck some metal "drip edge" under the first course of shingles, and install a small section of rain gutter over the door.
    comment photo
  • Becky P Becky P on Jun 21, 2012
    KMS, the doors on this shed don't want to shut all the way, so I end up pushing the bottom of the door with my foot to shut it, the top definitely doesn't shut all the way. It leaks when we have a north rain. Your doors look like they do a good job shutting!
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Jun 21, 2012
    My doors were "site built" and are 2 x 4 skinned with the siding and trimed with cedar like the rest of the shed. I had to bevel the mating surfaces to allow them to swing open without binding. 90 percent of the time I just use the left side of the double doors. The right door is secure with a pair of gate latches that extend into the floor and door header from inside. You might be able to pull that top piece of trim from above your door and instal some metal "Z" flashing. With that in place re-install the trim. This might provide enough off set to keep the water out.
  • Becky P Becky P on Jun 21, 2012
    Thanks for the idea, these were built here too, the same way. I couldn't think how to describe it! Too bad you don't live around here! lol I bet lots of people on here think that.
  • JJ J JJ J on Jun 21, 2012
    Cedar shakes come in bundles are so cheap ! They can be painted or stained and can overhang the edges if you wish!
  • Terra Gazelle Terra Gazelle on Jul 28, 2014
    Here is Louisiana we put tin roofs..Can you get a piece of tim and just put it on the roof? You could have a nice over hang.
  • Tam13795572 Tam13795572 on Nov 12, 2016
    Your title reads "? Ugly Shed"... I think it look's great!!! Just wondering why everyone else just had comments on what to do different but no encouragement of a job well done!!! Just saying :-)
    • Becky P Becky P on Nov 22, 2016
      Thank You Tammy.reeves8321. That is so sweet of you. LOL. I don't live there anymore, so it's someone elses's ugly shed now.