How to clean vinyl siding and gutters with a homemade solution?

Judith Connor
by Judith Connor
  4 answers
  • Linda Nixon Daniel Linda Nixon Daniel on Apr 21, 2019

    I use a garden attachment for trees. It attaches to your hose and is used to spray trees 20ft up since I have a two story. In cup I put full strength Clorox. Water force sprays up onto siding. It kills mold for the season. Works great. Looks great and goes very quickly. Spray back and forth and water force helps knock off mold as bleach runs down.

  • Hi Judith, this article give you several homemade options and includes one that is a commercial product called Simple Green, which is what we use.

  • Sharon Sharon on Apr 21, 2019

    Great answer from KIM Bleach is not good for plants or the earth

  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree Yesterday

    Borax is a natural mineral compound that won't damage nearby landscaping plants. Apply the solution as instructed above. Treat stains with oxygen bleach paste. To treat a stubborn stain, mix just enough warm water with a small amount of powdered oxygen bleach to make a paste.