How can I keep my narrow hallway from being marked?

Jayne Honnor
by Jayne Honnor

Hello i have a very narrow hallway and when people come in or out the paint gets marked and leaves black marks,i had it painted in June but it looks like its been there for years,i was wandering if i should get the Dilux paint easy care which you can wipe,i dont know whats best.Thank you Jayne

  7 answers
  • Evita309 Evita309 on Apr 24, 2019

    Take to top of a soda can & use the leftover metal tab, hang it on the 1st hanger, then add another shirt to it. See’s easy & saves lots of space!

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  • Lifestyles Homes Lifestyles Homes on Apr 24, 2019

    Black marks from what? “People”, as in house visitors or is this a commercial space? If it’s a commercial space, I would have Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic panels put up and they can be scrubbed ad infinitum.

    If you want paint again, then a scrubbable paint, which is a glossy or semi/gloss enamel paint.

    If you can get alkyd enamel at a pro paint store, then I would use that.

    Two full coats and full drying in between coats.

    If you go the FRP Route, then you could have the drywall remover first and gain 1” of width in the hallway. If you’ve plaster and lath, you’ll gain 2”.

  • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on Apr 24, 2019

    Jayne, the way I handle this wall mark issue is to not scrub at all. Scrubbed paint never looks as good as fresh paint. If you paint the hall with FLAT paint, not eggshell or semi-gloss, it touches up very easily. Then every couple of months, you can use a little roller and just roll the scuffed areas. The reason to use flat paint is that there is no sheen so you can paint a small patch without it showing as different than the rest of the wall. We used to use this technique in apartments and it works very well as long as there's no smoke staining.

  • Ken Erickson Ken Erickson on Apr 24, 2019

    Washable paint is needed. You could also put in wainscot wood panels.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Apr 24, 2019

    You could add wood to it for a board & batten look.


    Scubbable paint then clean up with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.

  • Jayne Honnor Jayne Honnor on Apr 25, 2019

    Thank you guys for the information,i will choose paint that is wasable.

  • Jayne Honnor Jayne Honnor on Apr 25, 2019

    Hi does any one know how to get a burn mark off a new carpet ?