How can I paint a outdated brassy shower stall frame?

by Jacee

I don't want to renovate the whole shower .The rest looks okay. It is just that glaring brassy frame from the 80's I don't twant to spray because of the rest of the room .HELP Thanks

  2 answers
  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on May 11, 2019

    I would sand it lightly so that paint has something to grab to stay on the metal. Rustoleum or another paint for metal will work well. I am sure that you can get it in a can and use a brush. do thinnish coats so you don't get drips and follow the directions for time between coats. A clear top coat would probably make the paint last a lot longer.

  • Suzette Suzette on May 11, 2019

    Hi Jacee, Here's a how to video that may help using spray paint for metal:

    Have fun!