How can I add a shelf?

Cindy Shoaf
by Cindy Shoaf

I have a narrow window base on our slider. I have little solar figurines and small bird houses that I would like to display in this window, too many on one looks overcrowded. (The window overlooks a weathered gray fence and the side of our neighbors house-not pretty.) The window measures 59" across and is 4.25"deep. How can I add a shelf? Glass or acrylic? I was maybe thinking of acrylic but I thought it would bow in the middle. Where is the best place to install brackets? (I would prefer to install brackets inside the window well.)

  6 answers
  • William William on May 29, 2019

    For that width your best bet would be to use wood. A 1X4 would work. Add a1X2 underneath the front to keep it rigid. Shelf supports on the sides. Even glass would flex at that length and can be dangerous.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on May 29, 2019

    Maybe this will work for you

  • 17335038 17335038 on May 30, 2019

    As your window is aluminium and slides open, unfortunately you will not be able to mount any brackets on the inside of the window casing without having them interfere with the functioning of the window and the venetian blind.

  • Naa102399 Naa102399 on May 30, 2019

    Take a board and add rope to each end by drilling a hole, pulling rope through then tying a knot. Do this on each side. Then hang the rope from the ceiling or curtain rod so you have a hanging shelf. You can glue strips of trim on the front and back edge of the board for a lip to secure those little treasures. Hope this makes sense. Here's a couple of photos with the same idea.

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  • Cindy Shoaf Cindy Shoaf on May 30, 2019

    Thank you all for your replies. I am pretty sure I will use wood mounted on the outside. I will raise my blinds so they are not in the way but will have some function as this window faces southwest and gets A LOT of sun.

  • Pamela Pamela on May 30, 2019

    Once you put up a shelf , you won't be able to use your blinds , or only to right

    Above the shelf . You can put curtains up instead ( keeping the blinds in the up position ) that way you can put up several shelves if you want ! What material you use for your shelves depends on what you are planning on putting on the shelves ... If you are planning on putting light weight things light the solar items you show in your photo , you could use acrylic/plexiglass . I would put in the peg supports on the inside of each side of the window and the set the acrylic shelf on them . You can get a dowel and cut it to the length between the shelves that way you can prop up the shelf in the center , use some poster putty to hold it in place . Good luck !