How to decorate a college dorm room?

Mary cash
by Mary cash

My daughter is going off to college in August and we are looking for some fabulous ideas. Thanks

  10 answers
  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Jun 25, 2019

    This is one of those times you should read the teen magazines or download them on-line. They are full of dorm room ideas this time of year. Also, read the store circulars you get in the mail from major stores --- their ads are full of dorm ideas and products they sell to outfit them.

  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Jun 25, 2019

    I agree with Fiddledd224...such cut items even at Walmart! Just make sure you get her input because she may have a theme in min! Good luck!

  • 17335038 17335038 on Jun 26, 2019

    Here's what some other Hometalkers have done:

  • 17335038 17335038 on Jun 26, 2019

    A conventional bed takes up most of the little available floor space in the average dorm room. Even if it means spending a few more $, either swap it out for double-duty furniture, or convert it into a raised loft style bed.

    Lots of examples on Pinterest; here are a few.

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  • Mary cash Mary cash on Jun 27, 2019

    How fantastic! Thank you for the great ideas. You got our juices flowing!

    • 17335038 17335038 on Jun 29, 2019

      You are most welcome.

      'Best of luck for happy and successful college years ahead.

  • Pat Pat on Jun 29, 2019

    Wi!l she have a roommate? Might want to contact her to see if they can coordinate their room. !off bed with seating under it is a good idea. Or bunk beds to have more f!oor space.

  • FinOllers FinOllers on Aug 16, 2022

    I'm finishing my 2nd year of college, and in my first year, I was also wondering how to decorate my dorm room because it looked pretty damp and boring. However, I had a big plus of the fact that I study at asa college hialeah, and they offer hostels with good and large rooms, where there was a place to run my imagination. And so, in short - dilute the neutral colors of the interior with bright accessories, textiles, and decor. The main thing is to decide which scale to use for accents in the room. Also, plan your lighting. A common light source is not enough for comfortable work and pleasant leisure. Plus, it's pretty dull in a dark room. Add lighting on the desk, in the bedside area, and at the entrance.

  • Mogie Mogie on Aug 16, 2022

    31 Stunning College Bedroom Dorm Room Ideas for Girls

  • Vinocutbross Vinocutbross on Oct 05, 2022

    Remember that your dorm room should showcase your personality and provide a cozy environment for you to stay in. This implies evaluating your aesthetics and acting accordingly. Pick the color palette of your favorite outfits or career, The layout and size should be the next thing you check. Since most dorm rooms are small, careful preparation is necessary to prevent cramping. Look at your light sources because they greatly influence how roomy it will feel. Avoid purchasing MASSIVE furniture that may obscure your vision.