How do I cover pipes with skirting?

by Deb40851558
  3 answers
  • Deanna Nassar Deanna Nassar on Jun 30, 2019

    Put up a curtain rod over the area, Easy to make or buy curtains to cover area. If it's under the sink you could get some plastic storage bins with drawers to slide in place and hide the pipes while giving storage. If real handy with tools you could make a storage container to hide pipes but leave area open for repairs.

  • Emily Emily on Jun 30, 2019

    the sink on left is skirted and hung by velcro, placed underneath the edge of the sink. The one on right is also skirted but the velcro is placed on the outside edge of the sink because the structure of sink did not allow velcro behind sink. In our bathroom on left, my husband built two wooden cabinets with a drawer each and a storage space below. The tops are pieces of porcelain tile

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  • Deb40851558 Deb40851558 on Jun 30, 2019

    Many thanks but their radiator piped in the lounge !