How can I revive delicate vintage crocheted cotton Xmas stars?

by J

How would I delicately bleach and starch hand crocheted cotton Xmas stars made by my Mom fifty years ago? I would hate to ruin them but they are very yellowed and stained, and pitifully limp.

  4 answers
  • William William on Jul 04, 2019

    Do not use bleach. Can destroy the delicate fibers. One gallon warm water, 1/3 bottle of hydrogen peroxide, a few squirts of Dawn dish liquid. Mix it up a bit. Soak for about an hour or two and see how hey look. Once your happy rinse with warm water. Lay out on a towel and another on top to dry. You can dip them in liquid starch and lay flat on a cloth to stiffen them. Then use Mod Podge to protect them.

  • SpudBread SpudBread on Jul 04, 2019

    DO NOT USE HOT or WARM WATER!!! --- ONLY COLD!!!! Hydrogen peroxide & Ivory Dish washing liquid is FANTASTICK! I use it for ALL of my laundry in COLD water-- rinses clear first time out! Dip in a strong solution of LIQUID starch ... air dry flat-- you should be good to go! DO NOT TWIST AND WRING-- may pull them apart and destroy them. GOOD LUCK! You have a treasure-- treat with great respect!!!!

  • You could try some Woolite or similar gentle detergent and very little cool water. I’d be inclined to take them to a dry cleaner though personally as I’d be worried about damaging them

  • 17335038 17335038 on Jul 05, 2019

    After cleaning, soak them in undiluted liquid starch, then air dry.