How do I make over my bathtub?

by Missy

I’ve been living in my apartment for three years my bathroom tub needs to be redone sandblast and refinish

  5 answers
  • Em Em on Jul 15, 2019

    First...Do you have landlords permission? In many states even if you make an IMPROVEMENT the landlord can keep your security deposit or charge you for damages that are actually repairs. How to Refinish a Bathtub - The Spruce

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  • Nan W. Nan W. on Jul 15, 2019

    Missy: since you are renting, shouldn't that be the responsibility of the landloard? Assert your rights!

  • Sharon Sharon on Jul 15, 2019

    What kind of tub is it? porcelain, fiberglass, acrylic? could a good cleaning and shine be an alternative to sandblasting? I've never even heard of sand blasting a tub and I was an apartment manager. If its crudie, you might try the Easy Off Fume-Free Oven Cleaner in the blue can, there are videos on YouTube.

    If its an old fiberglass tub, get some Gel Gloss that cleans and shines.

    If it won't hold a shine, you can use carnuba auto wax product to shine it up, but be careful a mat is down so you don't slip.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Jul 16, 2019

    Do you own the apartment, or are you renting it?

    If the latter, before you make any changes, be sure to get permission in writing from the owner, not just the rental agency, or management.

    Even though you might have best intentions to improve the decor, unfortunately, you may loose your damage deposit, or even be fined, for making any unauthorized changes to the unit.

  • Toni @ Girl, Just DIY! Toni @ Girl, Just DIY! on Jul 16, 2019

    You can purchase a kit like this one - but make sure you follow all the directions for prep so that you get the best and most durable finish. The other option would be to call a local rebath place and ask them how much it would cost to re-glaze it.