How can I clean cat urine odors out of a foam mattress?

by Shawn

Any hack to get cat odor from out of a foam mattress

  7 answers
    • Hiba Larsen Hiba Larsen on Oct 15, 2019

      One of my 2 cats (both neutered males) had taken to painting all of my walls, furniture, and anything else he could reach. I was horrified when I got a UV light. He never did that in all of the 9 years I've had him and didn't when I got him a buddy (they love each other and did so right away) but when a strange black cat started showing up outside both of my cats went nuts and the older one (9) started his wall painting, as well as the curtains out in the kitty room. I couldn't keep up with it.

      My cats are indoor cats so it's not like the stray is actually going to get in here but they both hate him (and he is neighbor's cats hate him too). I've tried cleaning with a pet urine enzyme and then spraying some "No More Spraying" but that hasn't worked. He's a sneaky little bugger too; he waits until he thinks I'm not looking and then does it. He's learned that the minute I see him backing his butt up to something he gets yelled at.

      It wasn't until I found "Cat Spraying No More" that I was able to finally get rid of this tiresome behavior.

      Now my house doesn't smell like a litter box anymore :)

      Here's a link the their site if you're interested in checking it out:

      I hope you guys don't mind me sharing this. Have a wonderful day!

  • Lifestyles Homes Lifestyles Homes on Oct 02, 2019

    Nature’s Miracle. Saturate the mattress. Keep wet for 24 hours.

    Look at buying a cat-a-pult too 😉 (just kidding).

  • Toni @ Girl, Just DIY! Toni @ Girl, Just DIY! on Oct 02, 2019

    When we had our dogs we swore by this stuff. It's the best on the market! It even ate up rank fish smell after a fishing cooler leaked onto the carpet in the back of my SUV.

    For the foam mattress you might need to apply a few applications and let it really penetrate the foam.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Oct 02, 2019

    Maybe this will work.

    comment photo
  • Anonymous Anonymous on Jul 11, 2020

    Sorry for chiming in to this thread so late, but I just had to share this in case it helps someone out. I wish I had gotten this advice years ago as a cat owner.

    My best advice?

    Give the book " Ultimate Cat Secrets" a read.

    It really is the only long-term solution to discipline your cat, OP.

    This might come as a surprise to you, but your cat actually wants to obey you.

    It’s kitty’s independent, sassy nature that makes you fall in love with him, but it’s this very attitude that makes it frustrating to train fun behaviours into your favourite feline.

    Cats respond best to positive reinforcement – yelling, punishing or disciplining your cat just won’t work.

    In my opinion, Ultimate Cat Secrets is a must-have for all cat lovers. It's not just a cat training manual – it’s one of the quickest and most comprehensive guides to living with a cat that I’ve ever seen.

    The easy access audio format makes it a breeze to digest from your computer or your mobile device and the lessons inside are easy to implement. And if that’s not enough for you, ordering now will score you FIVE great bonuses:

    1) How to toilet train your cat and get rid of that stinky litter box forever.

    2) Extra tips audio program which includes basic first aid and tips on my favourite kitty calming remedy.

    3) Pet medical recorder – an absolute essential for parents of asthma cats or any kitty with a chronic medical condition.

    4) Downloadable transcripts of the entire program and all the bonus materials.

    5) 100 recipes to pamper your feline friend.

    I HIGHLY recommend it.

    Here's a link to their site

  • Mogie Mogie on Jul 11, 2020

    An old dog peed on his dog bed which was memory foam. I took the form out and poured about 3 cups of vinegar on it and let it sit outside in the sun for several days. The smell is gone.

  • Deb K Deb K on Jun 12, 2021

    Hi Shawn, hope this helps you out,

    1. Step 1: Remove Your Bedding. ...
    2. Step 2: Blot (Don't Scrub!) the Area. ...
    3. Step 3: Spray Vinegar Solution on the Stain. ...
    4. Step 4: Let Vinegar Solution Soak. ...
    5. Step 5: Cover Area with Baking Soda. ...
    6. Step 6: Vacuum Up the Dry Baking Soda.